Aug. 29 |
Water Quality Trading: An Analysis and Comparison of Programs in Ohio
Dr. Richard Moore
Executive Director, OSU Environmental Sciences Network
Associate Director of Academics, OSU Office of Energy and the Environment
Professor, School of Environment and Natural Resources
Sept. 5 |
Climate Leviathan
Dr. Joel Wainwright
Associate Professor, OSU Department of Geography
Sept. 12 |
Sept. 19 |
Below the Melting Glaciers: Hydrologic Change and Emergent Vulnerabilities in a Tropical Andean Waterscape
Dr. Bryan Mark
Associate Professor, OSU Department of Geography Byrd Polar Research Center
Sept. 26 |
Changes in Exposure to Industrial Air Pollution across the US from 1995-2003: The Role of Race, Income and Segregation
Dr. Kerry Ard
Assistant Professor, OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources
Oct. 3 |
Building Community Resilience to Climate Change: Testing the Adaptation Coalition Framework in Latin America
Dr. Cornelia Butler Flora
Distinguished Professor, Iowa State University Department of Sociology
Co-sponsored by the OSU Center for Latin American Studies
Oct. 10 |
Towards a Broader Understanding of Scalar Re-Organisation of Natural Resource Governance: Determining Factors and Implications from Europe
Dr. Andreas Thiel
Professor, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Departments of Sciences of Useful Plants and Animals and Agricultural Economics
Oct. 17 |
Predicting Tree Distributions: Moving Towards More Mechanistic Models
Dr. Volker Bahn
Associate Professor, Wright State University Department of Biological Sciences
Oct. 24 |
The Air Force Environmental Restoration Program: A Programmatic Overview and Presentation of the Technical Challenges to Achieving Site Closeout
Dr. Hunter Anderson
Research Ecologist, US Air Force
Oct. 31 |
Nov. 7 |
Collaboration and Enforcement Mechanisms: Community-based Natural Resource Management in Ohio and the Indian Himalayas
Ms. Divya Gupta
PhD Candidate, OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources
Nov. 14 |
Understanding Household Tradeoffs regarding Pineapple Production and Environmental Management in Costa Rica
Dr. Robert Richardson
Associate Professor, Michigan State University Department of Community Sustainability
Co-sponsored by the OSU Environmental Policy Institute
Nov. 21 |
Dr. Joanne Rebbeck
Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station
Nov. 28 |
Holiday -- no class