ENR 8980
Time: 4:10 - 5:30 p.m.
Location: 103 Kottman Hall with video link to 123 Williams Hall
The SENR Seminar Series is held during the autumn and spring academic semesters. Speakers address a variety of topics that are relevant to the major environmental problems and natural resource management issues of our day. The seminar series reflects the multi-disciplinary nature of the School of Environment and Natural Resources in that a variety of experts contribute from fields as diverse as the humanities and social sciences, traditional resource management disciplines, and the biological and physical sciences. The program includes opportunities for interested parties to meet formally and informally with speakers before and after their presentations.
Sept. 3 |
Going Back to the Future: New Psychological Tools for Promoting Conservation Ezra Markowitz |
Sept. 17 |
Soil Carbon and Climate Change Rattan Lal |
Oct. 1 |
This seminar will be held at 3:30-5:00 p.m., on the 11th floor of Thompson Library. It is co-coordinated by the Center for Ethics and Human Values and Mershon Center for International Security Studes as part of the COMPAS Sustainability program, Click here further information. Institutional Responses to Sustainability David Orr, Oberlin College/Cleveland Foundation |
Oct. 22 |
Understanding the Role of Human Values in Light of Comtemporary Environmental Challenges Alia Dietsch |
Monday Nov. 2 |
A special event held at 7:00 p.m. in Mershon Auditorium. Click here for more information. Laudato Si (the Pope's environmental encyclical): How Should We Live Together in Our Common Home? Cardinal Peter Turkson |
Nov. 5 |
This seminar has been cancelled.
Nov. 19 |
Localized Extreme Hypoxia and Phenotypic Divergence in East African Fishes Lauren Chapman
Dec. 3 |
Ecology and Local Adaptation of Songbirds on the California Channel Islands Scott Sillett |
Please note there will not be seminars on the following dates:
Aug. 27
Sept. 10
Sept. 24
Oct. 8
Oct. 15 (Fall Break)
Oct. 29
Nov. 12
Nov. 26 (Thanksgiving Break)