ENRAS Helps Families during the Holiday
During the month of December, ENRAS collected toys and money to help out families that are struggling. ENRAS used their Alumni Holiday Gathering held at COSI After Dark to collect gifts and donations for the families. These families have children with extreme life threatening health conditions. The effort from the society was tremendous and heart lifting to say the least. ENRAS came together and provided these families with gifts that would have been unattainable to get on their own. Because of ENRAS, a few children had the Christmas of their dreams, but it didn’t stop there. The families also received groceries and toiletries to help bring some sense of normalcy in their homes. The families certainly were surprised and thankful for our effort to help give them a great holiday. These children are facing a battle of life and death. Everyone in the Alumni Society and ENR staff deserves a standing ovation for a great turnout and group donation.
Career Bootcamp
Hosted by the Environment and Natural Resources Alumni Society, the Career Bootcamp 2016 went off without a hitch on January 26, 2016 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Thirty-two students representing all five of SENR’s majors and multiple graduate student programs along with 19 alumni professionals presenting created a good turnout for a cold January evening.
Mike McNutt was the master of ceremonies for the evening and added a bit of humor to the evening. Panelists this year were J.J. Domiano, Holly Tucker, and Mark Dilley. The panelist answered prepared questions from Dilley who also opened up the floor for students to ask questions of their own. Following the panel, students and professionals broke up into small groups to have one on one conversations and to ask the big questions about their given field. This was quite a success with many students staying past the end remarks to keep talking with the professionals.
We would like to thank all the alumni that volunteered to be on our panel and small group leaders including: Joseph Campbell, Mike McNutt, Mark Dilley, Brent Repenning, Brent Macolley, Danielle Balduff, J.J. Domiano, Holly Tucker, Ric Queen, Matt Perry, Reina Tyl, Tricia Evans, Lori Monska, Eugene Braig, Mark Giese, Gary Comer, Larry Peck and Melissa Turpenning.
Career Bootcamp is an opportunity for students to connect with alumni and get insight on what it is like to work in their given area of study. Without fail each year, a group of amazing alumni volunteers offer up their time to speak with students that are wanting the inside scoop on their field. 2017’s Career Bootcamp is tentatively set for the last week of January 2017.
If you are interested in being an alumni participant please contact us at ENRAS@osu.edu.
Young Alumni
The School of Environment and Natural Resources’ Young Alumni group continues to hold small, informal gatherings for alumni under the age of 30. This winter, the group went on a short hike at Highbanks Metro Park, braving single digit temperatures to explore the trails and view the bald eagle nest from the observation deck. The group also met in April at Seventh Son Brewery for a happy hour, and meets every month at the Green Columbus “Green Drinks” events, held on the third Wednesday of the month. These events often feature networking for the first hour, and some light programming in the second, featuring leaders in the Columbus environmental community.
The Young Alumni group is looking to meet the needs of recent graduates and other alumni still establishing their careers and professional goals. The group plans to continue happy hours and outdoor events, and is open to other ideas for gatherings. We are seeking feedback and anyone interested in getting involved. If you would like to be added to the Young Alumni mailing list, or are interested in assisting the Young Alumni committee, please send an email to Nolan Rutschilling at Nolanrutschilling@gmail.com.
Become a Sustaining Member
Alumni who renew their commitment to Ohio State each year by making tax-deductible gifts of $75 or more to the university program(s) of their choice.
All ENR graduates are members of both the ENR Alumni Society and The Ohio State University Alumni Association.
How can I join?
A Sustaining Member is an alumnus who donates $75 annually to the Ohio State fund of their choice. Our sustaining member community supports the people, projects and priorities of the university and stays connected to Ohio State by making a difference. Gifts may be made to any area of Ohio State, including the Alumni Association, scholarships, Pelotonia, the Wexner Medical Center and more.
As an ENR Alumnus, we would like you to consider one of our ENR funds (listed below) that will directly benefit students and programs in the School of Environment and Natural Resources.
313978 School of Environment and Natural Resources Scholarship Fund
306591 The Ohio State Fund for the School of Environment and Natural Resources
600329 The Barnebey Family Scholarship Fund
605470 Olentangy River Wetland Research Park Program Endowment Fund
601755 John F. Disinger Endowment Fund
604840 Nikki Meifert Memorial Fund
606319 Elizabeth C. Sawtell Fund
607329 Triplett-Vandoren No-Tillage Fund
646815 T. Davis Sydnor Endowed Scholarship
664987 Fred P. Miller Fund
666375 Schiermeier Wetland Fund
647128 Dr. Robert W. Teater Endowed
302232 SNR Staff Support
305921 Rural Sociology
308031 Shade Tree Evaluation
309710 Wetlands Research
310207 Mitsch Memorial
314223 Youth Beat Radio
314160 Association of Ohio Pedologists Scholarship Fund

Saturday, September 3rd
ENRAS Tailgate @ 10:00 a.m and Ohio State vs Bowling Green football game @ 12:00 p.m.
Friday, September 9th
OSUAA Club and Society Leadership Symposium at the Fawcett Center @ 7:30 a.m. registration
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st
OSU Homecoming weekend and CFAES Fallfest prior to the Ohio State vs Rutgers football game @ 12:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 13th
National Parks Adventure Film in 3D at COSI