The Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park (ORWRP)
Heffner Wetland Research and Education Building
Room Reservation Policy for Outreach Events
Reservation requests must be made at least 30 days prior to the intended use date.
Approved participants must register with the ORWRP staff at least 30 minutes prior to their scheduled use. Appropriate information relative to the use of the facilities will be provided at that time. Groups will have use of the Heffner Wetland Research and Education Meeting Room(s) and ORWRP Interpretive Center per the information that was requested and approved on the registration form. The facilities are generally not available after 5 pm weekdays and on weekends without extra expenses being involved.
Rooms available for reservation:
Classroom (maximum group size is 65 in tablet arm chairs)
- AV equipment (computer, projector, screen)
- Tables and chairs
Conference room (Maximum group size is 25)
- AV equipment (projector, screen)
- Large meeting table with chairs
- Conference phone
Lobby (Maximum group 85 theater style, 60 in rounds)
- AV equipment (projector, screen and speakers)
The Heffner Wetland Research Building is equipped with:
- Restrooms
- A kitchenette with refrigerator, microwave, and coffee makers
If a group uses the coffee pots or cooking utensils provided, the group is responsible for cleaning, drying and returning the items to their proper places. Groups may bring their own meals with them, provide a potluck or have their meals catered in the facility. No alcoholic beverages are permitted. The Heffner Wetland Research and Education Building is heated and air-conditioned. If furniture is moved, please return to the position you found it in. Users are responsible for any and all damages to the meeting space, equipment and contents occurring during the user's occupation.
Violation of any of the guidelines provided will result in the forfeiture of any uses of the facility by the using group.