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School of Environment and Natural Resources


Job Search Resources: Environmental Organizations

The purpose of this page is to provide a number of organizations that can help individuals in the environmental sector find opportunities related to their career interests. The document is divided up as follows (sections are clickable):

Internship Programs

Nonprofit Organizations

Private Sector Organizations

Public Sector Organizations

Internship Programs*

*Please do not limit your internship program search to only the links in this section, as links in other sections may also have internship opportunities. See also: government partner organizations section.

Columbus Foundation summer Fellowship Program

  • The Summer Fellowship Program places eligible students with Franklin County nonprofit organizations for a 10-week period. Students receive valuable experience and a paid stipend for their work, while nonprofits benefit from the additional support students provide to a specific program or objective.

Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals (CBYX)  

  • Fellowship funded by the German Bundestag and U.S. Department of State, that annually provides 75 American and 75 German young professionals, between the ages of 18½–24, the opportunity to spend one year in each other’s countries, studying, interning, and living with hosts on a cultural immersion program.

Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR)

  • The Great Lakes Summer Fellows Program partners with NOAA to research issues on the Great Lakes. Find more jobs at Join Us>Job Openings.

Friends of MacArthur Beach State Park

  • Undergraduate Internships are a cooperative effort between the student, the university/college, and MacArthur Beach State Park/Friends of MacArthur Beach State Park.  A Park/Friends staff member is responsible for direct supervision of the student(s).


  • An organization that offers internship, volunteer, and work & travel opportunities in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.

Libra Internship Program

  • At the Libra Group, we value opportunity – seizing it, creating it, and giving it. As a family company, our traditional values have helped build a successful business in a modern world. And we understand the need to pass that on to the next generation.Our Libra Internship Program looks to do just that. It offers to a group of bright young students the chance to experience the world through the eyes of a global business.

National Great Rivers Research & Education Center

  • Our interns attend orientation, spend the summer working on various research projects related to river ecology and education, alongside mentors, and reconvene at the end of the summer to present at our annual Intern Symposium

NOAA PIFSC Young Scientist Program

  • PYSO internships offer professional scientific research experience and formal training opportunities for undergraduate college students.

REEF Marine Conservation Internship Program

  • REEF's Marine Conservation Internship provides experiences including outreach and education, data collection, non-profit operations, conservation science, event planning, graphic design, social media development, and public speaking

Scientists in Parks

  • Every year, the Scientists in Parks work experience program places hundreds of aspiring professionals across the National Park System to work on natural resource management needs.

Shoals Marine Laboratory

  • Undergraduate researchers work directly with faculty mentors and SML scientists to conduct research experiments and projects, combining new areas of discovery with ongoing, long-term monitoring. 

SKC Trees

  • Scholarships and internships for Native Americans. Offers the chance to expand the leadership and educational opportunities related to natural resources for Native Americans

Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute   

  • Hundreds of graduate students and holders of doctorates come to the Smithsonian to do independent research under the guidance of a member of our world-class research staff. Fellows have the opportunity to study and work intensively with Smithsonian collections and experts in their fields and beyond.

Summer Research Opportunities Program, BIG 10

  • SROP is a gateway to graduate education at Big Ten Academic Alliance universities. The goal of the program is to increase the number of underrepresented students who pursue graduate study and research careers.

University of Hawai'i Pacific Internship Program for Exploring Science

  • PIPES offers programs that are designed to connect under-represented undergraduate students, especially those who are Native Hawaiian or kamaʻāina, to internship opportunities with agencies and organizations responsible for research, management, and education relating to environmental issues in Hawaiʻi and throughout the Pacific region.

Washington State Department of Natural Resources 

  • Washington DNR offers a wide range on jobs in the environmental field, from summer internships to forestry positions. Also see ODNR for summer internship opportunities.


Nonprofit Organizations*

*Please do not limit yourself to looking only at one specific category, as interests may crossover. For example, a conservation organization may have jobs for policy analysts.

Conservation and Education

Amazon Conservation Association

  • Based in DC—Their focus on protecting wild places, empowering local people, and putting science and technology to work is shaped by the people and land in the Amazon

American Rivers

  • American Rivers protects wild rivers, restores damaged rivers, and conserved clean water for people and nature.

Appalachian Trail Conservancy

  • An organization that maintains, protects, and preserves the Appalachian Trail.

Audubon Naturalist Society 

  • Join the Audubon Naturalist Society (ANS) in fulfilling their mission to “inspire residents of the greater Washington, DC, region to appreciate, understand and protect their natural environment through outdoor experiences, education, and advocacy.”

Camp Hidden Meadows  

  • A coed outdoor adventure/education summer camp for children grades 1-12 in WV.

Chewonki Foundation

  • Located in Maine, Chewonki inspires transformative growth, teaches appreciation and stewardship of the natural world, and challenges people to build thriving, sustainable communities throughout their lives through their outdoor programs.

Clemson University Youth Learning Institute

  • Organization in SC partnered with Clemson University to provide academic and leadership programs, including those related to the outdoors.

Conservation Colorado

  • Organization that works to protect CO’s air, climate, land, water and communities through organizing, advocacy, and elections.

Conservation Corps New Mexico

  • With Conservation Legacy's commitment to supporting locally-based programs and communities, southern New Mexico programming and projects will transition to locally-based Conservation Corps New Mexico operations out of Las Cruces, NM, to best serve local communities, young people and landscapes in this region.

Conservation International

  • Conservation organization with a vision to imagine a healthy, prosperous world in which societies are forever committed to caring for and valuing nature, for the long-term benefit of people and all life on Earth

Crown Point Ecology Center

  • Crown Point expresses its mission through organic agriculture and environmental education programs that integrate four core values — Community, Justice, Spirituality and Sustainability.

Dawes Arboretum

  • Arboretum in Newark dedicated to enriching lives through conservation of trees, nature, and history.

Franklin Park Conservatory

  • Our mission is to promote responsible land use decisions for the conservation, protection and improvement of soil and water resources by providing information assistance through effective partnering, technical guidance and education.

Friends of the Lower Olentangy Watershed (FLOW)

  • Our mission is to keep the Olentangy River and its tributaries clean and safe for all to enjoy, through public education, volunteer activities, and coordination with local decision-makers.

Glacier Institute 

  • Nonprofit that strengthens connections to the natural world through outdoor education, including camps, tours, and courses.

Glacier Conservancy

  • Nonprofit partner with Glacier National Park that provides financial support and education programs for the park.

The Great Basin Institute

  • The Great Basin Institute is an interdisciplinary field studies organization that promotes environmental research, education, and conservation throughout the West. 

Holden Arboretum

  • The Holden Arboretum encompasses an expansive 3500 acres including lush woodlands and 200 acres devoted to thoughtfully cultivated gardens.

KUPU, Hawai'i Youth Conservation Corps

  • Provides service learning and environmental stewardship opportunities, such as restoration work.

Lake Erie Waterkeepers  

  • The Lake Erie Waterkeeper program seeks to have fishable, swimmable, drinkable water for the Lake Erie Watershed. This goal is accomplished through advocacy, education, litigation, and innovation.

Maria Mitchell Association

  • The Maria Mitchell Association operates two observatories, a natural science museum, an aquarium, a research center and preserves the historic birthplace of Maria Mitchel.

Maryland Coastal Bays program

  • Dedicated to protecting the five coastal bays behind Ocean City and Assateague Island, the Maryland Coastal Bays Program (MCBP) conducts research, restoration, monitoring, and education and outreach opportunities thanks to powerful partnerships.  

Mono Lake Committee

  • Our vision is of a healthy, protected, and wild Mono Lake and of an organization that seeks positive, principled, proactive solutions to challenges.

The Nature Conservancy

  • Largest conservation organization in the world.

The National Geographic Society

  • For more than 130 years, the National Geographic Society has funded the best and brightest individuals dedicated to scientific discovery and understanding of our world.

Pacific Whale Foundation

  • Protecting the ocean through science and advocacy and inspiring environmental stewardship is what we're all about.

Rocky Mountain Youth Corps

  • RMYC strives to meet the needs of the communities and public lands of northwest Colorado by offering a variety of programs and services for youth ages 11-30 years.

Sea Turtle Camp   

  • Our mission is to cultivate a love and respect for the ocean by building confidence and developing character, while inspiring coastal conservation through safety, fun, and learning!

Southeast Conservation Corps

  • Conservation experience in various locations around the Southeastern US that offers AmeriCorps education awards and oftentimes stipends for the position.

Stewards Individual Placement Program

  • SIPP has various programs that offer individuals the opportunity to work with a federal agency. Projects build capacity, improve access to natural resources, develop and support innovative solutions, develop opportunities for service and economic development, and empower leaders.

Surfrider Foundation  

  • The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network.

Trust for Public Land

  • The Trust for Public Land creates parks and protects land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come.

University of Maine 4-H Camp and Learning Centers

  • Working with us in the summer is both a unique and rewarding experience, but also takes a lot of dedication and energy. While we emphasize environmental education and sustainability, we make sure there’s plenty of laughter, fun and great times.

Walker Basin Conservancy

  • This nonprofit organization works to restore water levels in Walker Lake, which decreased as a result of two dams in the basin that sustain a strong agricultural community in the region. As a result of low water levels in the lake, the percentage of Total Dissolved Solids has increased, creating an imbalanced ecosystem.

Walking Mountains Science Center    

  • The mission of this Colorado science center is to awaken a sense of wonder and inspire environmental stewardship and sustainability through natural science education.

Wells National Estuarine Reserve 

  • The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve focuses on education, conservation, and research, while Laudholm Trust focuses on fundraising and community building. Both organizations are committed to the evolution of the Wells Reserve at Laudholm as a center for the protection of coastal environments.

Winous Point Land Conservancy

  • The vision of the Winous Point Marsh Conservancy is to protect, restore and enhance wetland habitat and wildlife in the southwest Lake Erie region by serving as advocate, practitioner, and educator.

The Wilderness Society

  • We love, respect, and are part of the natural world. We believe clean air and water and access to nature are basic rights. We strive for equity and justice in everything we do and seek to reflect the many communities with whom we work.


Science and Policy

Center for Clean Air Policy

  • CCAP’s mission is to significantly advance cost effective and programmatic air quality and climate change policy through analysis, dialogue, and education to reach a broad range of policy-makers and stakeholders worldwide.

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

  • Mission to advance strong policy and ambitious action to: reduce greenhouse gas emissions; promote and accelerate the clean energy transition; strengthen adaptation and resilience to climate impacts; and facilitate the necessary financial investments to do so.

Center for Economic Policy and Research

  • CEPR aims to conduct professional research and public education to inform individuals of pressing social and economic issues to promote informed voting and decision making.

Chesapeake Climate Action Network

  • The mission of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN) is to build a diverse movement powerful enough to put our region on the path to climate stability, while using our proximity to the nation’s capital to inspire action in neighboring states, around the country, and across the world. CCAN is the largest and oldest grassroots organization dedicated exclusively to fighting for bold and just solutions to climate change in the Chesapeake region of Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC.

Climate Institute  

  • The organization focuses on international climate issues and solutions. Mission is to discover and implement climate solutions by advancing research, sharing information, and collaborating with U.S. and international partners.

Environment Ohio

  • Environment Ohio’s mission is to transform our ideas and imaginations into change that makes our world a greener and healthier place.

Environmental Defense Fund

  • A coalition of scientists, activists, policy/economic analysts, and lawyers who work to protect the Earth.

Environmental Law & Policy Center

  • Midwest’s leading environmental legal advocacy organization.

Green Corps

  • Green Corps is the non-profit Field School for Environmental Organizing, a one-year paid program that includes intensive classroom training in grassroots organizing and hands-on experience running urgent environmental campaigns.

International Joint Commission

  • Canada and the United States created the International Joint Commission because they recognized that each country is affected by the other's actions in lake and river systems along the border.

Net Impact

  • Net Impact’s mission is to inspire and equip emerging leaders to build a more just and sustainable world. Also check out the campus chapter student org.

Ohio Environmental Council

  • The mission of the Ohio Environmental Council is to secure healthy air, land, and water for all who call Ohio home


  • PolicyLink is a national research and action institute advancing racial and economic equity by Lifting Up What Works®.  Equity means just and fair inclusion into a society in which all can participate, prosper, and achieve their full potential.  

Save the Bay

  • Active in the Rhode Island and Massachusetts state houses, Save the Bay pursues laws and policies that safeguard Narragansett Bay and fights legislation that threatens its well-being.

Sierra Club

  • The Sierra Club is the most enduring and influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States. They amplify the power of our millions of members and supporters to defend everyone’s right to a healthy world.

Western Reserve Land Conservancy

  • A group of conservationists, scientists, lawyers, communicators, and business people committed to protecting land in NE Ohio.



Sustainability, Community Development, and Agriculture

Clean Fuels Ohio

  • Clean Fuels Ohio improves air quality and health, reduces environmental pollution, and strengthens Ohio’s economy by increasing the use of cleaner, domestic fuels and energy-saving vehicles.

Environmental Grantmakers Association

  • EGA provides a number of opportunities for grantmakers to network and to stay informed on environmental issues. EGA also helps members connect through the website, which is regularly updated with news, publications, job postings and event announcements.

Flying Horse Farms

  • An outdoor camp for children with serious illnesses.

Franklinton Farms

  • We utilize urban farming and neighborhood distribution programs to improve food security and support healthy futures for our neighbors

Gorman Heritage Farm

  • Gorman Heritage Farm’s mission is to educate about agriculture, nutrition, sustainability and the environment


  • GreenBiz Group is a media and events company that views climate change and other global environmental challenges as existential threats to business and society, as well as significant opportunities. We help our audiences understand how to navigate the emerging technologies, business practices, policies and societal expectations that companies, cities and others need to know to succeed.

International Association of Emergency Managers

  • Organization that connects those in the emergency management field, which does include environmental emergencies. Click on the Jobs tab.

Mid-Ohio Regional Foodbank

  • Provides food and other resources for those in need.

Moms Clean Air Force

  • Moms Clean Air Force is a national community of over 1,000,000 moms—and dads—working together to combat air pollution, including the urgent crisis of our changing climate.

National Emergency Management Association

  • A nonpartisan, nonprofit 501(c)(3) association dedicated to enhancing public safety by improving the nation's ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from all emergencies, disasters, and threats to our nation's security.

National Sustainable Agriculture Council

  • an alliance of grassroots organizations that advocates for federal policy reform to advance the sustainability of agriculture, food systems, natural resources, and rural communities.

Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association

  • OEFFA cultivates a future in which sustainable and organic farmers thrive, local food nourishes our communities, and agricultural practices protect and enhance our environment.

Ohio Interfaith Power and Light

  • A religious response to climate change that seeks to unite the voices of people of diverse beliefs throughout Ohio in a spiritually-inspired and active response to climate change.

Solid Waste Association of North America - Ohio Buckeye Chapter  

  • An integrated waste management organization that provides expertise and professional development to practitioners through training, certification, and networking.


Association of Zoos and Aquariums   

  • Organization that accredits zoos in their efforts to conserve wildlife, advance animal welfare, and educate the public in an ethical manner. The job board lists jobs at numerous AZA-accredited zoos.

Audubon Great Lakes  

  • Headquartered in Chicago, AGL manages conservation work throughout the region to protect and improve habitat critical for birds during their migration and nesting cycles, and we build networks of volunteers and advocates for the natural environment.

Bald Head Island Conservancy

  • Bald Head Island Conservancy is a non-profit that champions the sustainability of barrier islands through environmental research and stewardship

Biological Sciences Greenhouses

  • It is their goal to offer the OSU College of Arts and Sciences, the University and the community an academic environment which enriches knowledge and inspires investigation in the biology. If you are interested in this program, try reaching out with an inquiry via the contact page.

Cincinnati Zoo

  • Zoo dedicated to plant and animal conservation.

Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

  • The Zoo and The Wilds are regional attractions with global impact, annually contributing privately-raised funds to support conservation projects worldwide

Entomological Society of America

  • The largest organization in the world that serves the professional and scientific needs of entomologists and individuals in related disciplines

Fossil Rim Wildlife Center

  • AZA certified wildlife conservation center in TX.

Gulf Coast Bird Observatory

  • Gulf Coast Bird Observatory is an independent non-profit organization headquartered on the upper Texas coast recognized as an innovative conservation organization, designing and conducting a significant number of large avian conservation projects including migration studies, habitat enhancement, land acquisition, regional habitat mapping, and others.

Newport Aquarium

  • The Newport Aquarium is a million gallons of fun and we are always looking for friendly, enthusiastic, outgoing people who want to create memories worth repeating for our guests.

Ohio Wildlife Center

  • Ohio Wildlife Center is dedicated to fostering awareness and appreciation of Ohio’s native wildlife through rehabilitation, education and wildlife health studies.

Ornithology Exchange

  • Posts for positions related to ornithology, the scientific study of birds, or to avian conservation, management, education, or rehabilitation.

Pheasants Forever

  • Pheasants Forever’s mission work quickly garnered it a reputation as “The Habitat Organization,” a tagline the nonprofit conservation group uses proudly to this day.

Pigeon Key Foundation & Marine Science Center

  • Our mission is to protect the cultural history of the Florida Keys and educate our youth through marine science curricula and research.

Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

  • The Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute plays a leading role in the Smithsonian’s global efforts to save wildlife species from extinction and train future generations of conservationists. SCBI spearheads research programs at its headquarters in Front Royal, Virginia, the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, D.C., and at field research stations and training sites worldwide.

The Wildcat Sanctuary

  • The Wildcat Sanctuary is a fast-paced growing nonprofit dedicated to the welfare of the animals we care for and decreasing the number of animals needing rescue.

Private Sector Organizations

Energy and Development

Duke Energy

  • Energy company with services in FL, IN, KY, NC, OH, SC

Exelon Corporation

  • Exelon’s mission is to be the leading diversified energy company - by providing reliable, clean, affordable and innovative energy products for a more sustainable future.

Fluor - B&W Portsmouth, LLC

  • Fluor-BWXT was formed to specifically address the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Gaseous Diffusion Plant (GDP) Decontamination and Decommissioning (D&D) Project in Ohio.

IGS Energy

  • Energy company that provides clean energy services for a sustainable future.

Marathon Petroleum Corporation

  • Energy company with roots in petroleum. Jobs opportunities can relate to environmental science and compliance.

OSU Office of Energy & Environment

  • The campus office dedicated to sustainability, waste, and energy consumption.

Quasar Energy Group

  • Based in Cleveland, OH. A renewable energy and organics management firm specializing in the deployment of sustainable technology solutions in agricultural, municipal and industrial applications.

Environmental Compliance and Consulting

Environmental Solutions and Innovations, LLC

  • Environmental consulting firm with specialized expertise ranging from animal ecology to stream and wetland science to management plans, landscape analysis and habitat modeling

KC Harvey Environmental, LLC

  • KC Harvey is an environmental and natural resources consulting, engineering, and technology firm with recognized expertise in soil, water, vegetation, wildlife, and land reclamation science and engineering.

MAD Scientist and Associates

  • MAD provides high-quality wetland and ecological consulting services to clients in the public and private sectors

Montrose Environmental Group

  • An international environmental consulting and compliance firm. Jobs relate to environmental technician, lab, project, and analyst work.

Pandey Environmental LLC

  • Recognized in the industry as experts in Site Assessment, Brownfield Remediation, Engineering, Science and Strategic Planning.

Ross Environmental, INC.

  • Offers a full complement of environmental services and technologies including incineration, transportation and other treatment technologies

TRC Environmental, Inc.

  • A leading, global consulting, engineering and construction management firm that provides environmentally focused and digitally powered solutions across our key markets.

Tetra Tech

  • Consulting and engineering firm that supports global commercial and government clients focused on water, environment, sustainable infrastructure, renewable energy, and international development.

Turnstone Environmental Consultants

  • Environmental consulting firm that focuses on wildlife and plant management to support responsible stewardship practices.

Environmental Research, Writing, and Restoration


  • Research and development company based on Columbus that develops new products and delivers governmental services.

Biological Sciences Greenhouses

  • It is their goal to offer the OSU College of Arts and Sciences, the University and the community an academic environment which enriches knowledge and inspires investigation in the biology. If you are interested in this program, try reaching out with an inquiry via the contact page.

Chemical Abstract Society

  • CAS uses intuitive technology, unparalleled scientific content and unmatched human expertise to help companies create groundbreaking innovations that benefit the world 


  • The nation’s largest ecological restoration company and is restoring a resilient earth for a modern world.

Stone Laboratory

  • With a strong combination of research, education and outreach efforts, as well as partnerships with academia, governmental agencies and the private sector, Ohio Sea Grant works with the Lake Erie community to solve the region’s most important environmental and economic issues.

Land Management, Landscaping, and Forestry

AQUA DOC Lake and Pond Management

  • Lake and pond management company staffed with biologists, aquatic specialists, and experts in fountains and aeration technology.

Critter Control

  • Home wildlife removal and management with wildlife technician jobs.

Davey Tree Expert Company

  • Organization with a commitment to scientifically based horticulture and environmental services to manage tree cover in urban and residential areas. Also see Handshake for their job opportunities.

Kurtz Bros. Central Ohio

  • Ornamental lawncare services

Sierra Pacific Industries

  • SPI is committed to managing its lands in a responsible and sustainable manner to protect the environment while providing quality wood products and renewable power for consumers. To SPI, sustainable forest management means more than just planting trees.



  • We’re on a mission to cultivate a healthier, happier world by spreading goodness through nourishing foods, honest words and conduct that is considerate and forever kind to the planet.

Orion Magazine

  • Orion has become a focal point in an extraordinarily rich period of nature writing, and it has remained true to that core conviction, though the magazine has evolved into a bimonthly and the range of its interests has broadened to include not only environmental but cultural concerns.


  • Patagonia is a clothing brand with progressive environmental goals to reduce their impact (as well as their consumers’ impacts) on the Earth. This brand is not only about fashion and functional wear, but also is in business to save our home planet.


  • Prana is a clothing brand that aims to reduce their environmental footprint on the world by sourcing sustainable, ethical, and recycled materials for their products. “We strive to make clothes that help you thrive in any environment and embody your adventurous spirit, so you can focus on what really matters”.

Public Sector Organizations

Local Government

City of Cincinnati

  • Multiple departments in the city offer environmental or sustainability jobs. The same holds true for any other city government.

City of Columbus, Department of Recreation and Parks

  • Public department devoted to increasing accessibility for Columbus residents to outdoor and recreation spaces.

Clermont County, Ohio

  • County services can offer an array of job types, including those related to sustainability and the environment. The same holds true for other counties.

Cleveland Metro Parks

  • Named best park in the nation in 2021 by CAPRA. Work with Cleveland Metro Parks to support 18 reservations spanning more than 24,000 acres with more than 300 miles of trails, eight golf courses, eight lakefront parks and a nationally-acclaimed zoo. 

Columbus and Franklin County Metroparks

  • Metro Parks is committed to conserving natural resources and providing places and opportunities that encourage people to discover and experience nature

Harrison Soil and Water Conservation District

  • The mission of the Harrison Soil & Water Conservation District is to promote stewardship by providing educational and technical assistance to cooperators for the conservation of our natural resources.

Licking County Park District

  • Manages park spaces and trails for residents in Licking County, similar to Metro Parks.

Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District

  • The Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD) is a political subdivision of the State of Ohio organized in 1933 to develop and implement a plan to reduce the effects of flooding and conserve water for beneficial public uses.

Port of Los Angeles

  • The Port maintains an efficient, sustainable supply chain, adopting new technologies to improve the reliability, predictability and efficiency of the flow of cargo across global seaborne trade

Preservation Parks of Delaware County

  • Parks districts in Delaware County, just north of Columbus.

Solano Resource Conservation District

  • A non-regulatory special district to the State of California. Solano Resource Conservation District (RCD) was originally formed in 1956 to provide flood protection in the Ulatis watershed. Today we work closely with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and wide variety of other partners throughout the County on a watershed scale

Village of New Albany, Ohio

  • Jobs in New Albany can include those related to urban forestry.


Regional Organizations

Eastgate Regional Council of Government

  • Eastgate brings communities and local governments in NE Ohio together to create a unified voice in areas such as transportation, water and air quality, land use planning, and local infrastructure projects.

Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission

  • Public and private partners develop and implement innovative and sustainable strategies that enhance the Cincinnati area’s quality of life and economic vitality.

MidOhio Regional Planning Commission

  • A council in Central Ohio that has a variety of projects and programs dedicated to improving transportation, sustainability, data and maps, and government affairs.

Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

  • Managing 3 wastewater treatment plants, NORSD cleans tens of billions of gallons of wastewater every year, reducing pollution and improving water quality.


State Government

Arizona Department of Fish & Game

  • Public agency in AZ that manages wildlife, hunting regulations, and education on fish and game. You can also check out other state agencies related to this, such as Ohio Division of Wildlife.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife

  • Manages California’s fish, wildlife, and plant resources for their ecological value and human enjoyment. Search job vacancies and enter CDFW in the search tab.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

  • State agency similar to that of Ohio’s Division of Wildlife

North Carolina Department of Transportation  

  • DOTs can offer environmental jobs related to environmental compliance, wildlife/pollinator habitats, and long term transportation decisions.

North Dakota Forest Service

  • State forest services manage forest resources for multiple uses, such as recreation and logging. They can also work with USFS to manage resources.

ODNR, Division of Wildlife

  • The Division of Wildlife’s mission is to conserve and improve fish and wildlife resources and their habitats for sustainable use and appreciation by all.

ODNR, Forestry Division

  • The Division of Forestry promotes and applies management for the sustainable use and protection of Ohio’s private and public forest lands.

ODNR, Watercraft Division

  • To provide exceptional outdoor recreation and boating opportunities by balancing outstanding customer service, education, protection and conservation of Ohio’s state parks and waterways.

Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR)

  • The overarching department for Outdoors Resources in Ohio.

Ohio Department of Transportation

  • With the mission to provide safe and easy movement of people and goods from place to place, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) supports the state highway system and promotes transportation initiatives statewide.

Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

  • The Ohio EPA is a state agency whose goal is to protect the environment and public health by ensuring compliance with environmental laws.

Ohio Parks and Recreation Association

  • A nonprofit organization that advocates for public parks and posts jobs for parks departments from across the state

South Dakota Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources

  • Goal to protect and preserve South Dakota's agriculture, environment, and natural resources through effective regulatory services, natural resource conservation, and financial and technical assistance.

Tennessee Division of Forestry

  • The mission of the Division of Forestry is “to develop, implement, and promote public forestry programs and policies that protect, conserve, manage, and efficiently utilize the forest resources of Tennessee”.

Washington State Department of Natural Resources 

  • Washington DNR offers a wide range on jobs in the environmental field, from summer internships to forestry positions.

Washington State Department of Ecology

  • This state department functions in a similar manner to the Ohio EPA to enforce environmental policies and standards, as well as conduct research on how to properly manage ecosystems.


Federal Government

Environmental Protection Agency  

  • Federal agency dedicated to national efforts to reduce environmental risks based on the best available scientific information.

Federal Energy and Regulatory Commission

  • FERC is a federal agency that ensures economically efficient, safe, reliable, and secure energy for consumers.

House of Representatives

  • Looks for jobs in Congress related to energy, natural resources, public lands, etc..

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

  • From daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings, and climate monitoring to fisheries management, coastal restoration and supporting marine commerce, NOAA’s products and services support economic vitality and affect more than one-third of America’s gross domestic product. Look on USAJobs for more opportunities.

National Park Service

  • Help manage public lands to conserve America’s precious natural resources for current and future generations.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

  • As the nation’s environmental engineer, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers manages one of the largest federal environmental missions: restoring degraded ecosystems; constructing sustainable facilities; regulating waterways; managing natural resources; and, cleaning up contaminated sites from past military activities.

USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

  • Federal service that deals with inspecting plants and animals that enter the country for human and environmental health and safety precautions.

USDA Forest Service

  • A public agency responsible for managing diverse public lands across the US for economic, environmental, and social benefits.

USDA Forest Service (Wayne National Forest)

  • The National Forest in Ohio

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

  • NRCS directly serves America's farmers, ranchers, and forest managers by providing them with financial and technical assistance, or advice, for their land. Our goal is to give our customers free, personalized advice and information, based on the latest science and research, to help them make informed conservation decisions.


Government Partner Opportunities

Conservation Legacy

Peace Corps  

  • Hands-on, grassroots-driven service and job opportunities that provide great experience to help individuals explore their interests.

Rocky Mountain Youth Corps

  • RMYC strives to meet the needs of the communities and public lands of northwest Colorado by offering a variety of programs and services for youth ages 11-30 years.

Southeast Conservation Corps

  • Conservation experience in various locations around the Southeastern US that offers AmeriCorps education awards and oftentimes stipends for the position.

Stewards Individual Placement Program

  • SIPP has various programs that offer individuals the opportunity to work with a federal agency. Projects build capacity, improve access to natural resources, develop and support innovative solutions, develop opportunities for service