CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Spring 2015 SENR Seminar Series


ENR 8980

Day:  Thursdays

Time:  4:10 - 5:30 p.m.

Location:  Please note the new location in Howlett Hall 164 with video link to 123 Williams Hall

The SENR Seminar Series is held during the autumn and spring academic semesters. Speakers address a variety of topics that are relevant to the major environmental problems and natural resource management issues of our day. The seminar series reflects the multi-disciplinary nature of the School of Environment and Natural Resources in that a variety of experts contribute from fields as diverse as the humanities and social sciences, traditional resource management disciplines, and the biological and physical sciences.

 The program includes opportunities for interested parties to meet formally and informally with speakers before and after their presentations. 
Jan. 22

Science Policy in the White House

Gerald Blazey
Acting Assoc. VP for Research and Innovation, Northern Illinois University Division of Research and Innovation

Feb. 5

A Distinguished Faculty Lecture – Conservation – Natural Resources –  Environmental Management: An Historical SENR Retrospective

Lecture text

Robert Roth
Professor Emeritus, OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources

Feb. 26

Captive Breeding Programs to Mitigate Chytridiomycosis-related Extinctions: Lessons from Panama

Brian Gratwicke
Research Scientist, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute Center for Species Survival

Mar. 26

Special eventProtecting Our Earth's Biodiversity through Images, Stories, and Action

Joel Sartore
Famed photographer for National Geographic, author, speaker, frequent media guest, and conservationist.

6:00-7:00 p.m.  Network with sponsoring student and other organizations
7:00 p.m.  Program presentation in the Ohio Union West Ballroom
8:30 p.m.  Reception following the program

Admission is free but individuals are asked to register online by March 24th.
Sponsored by OSU Office of Energy and Environment and SENR.

Apr. 2

Addressing Issues of Food Security through Integration of Curricula, Outreach and Service

Christopher Peterson
Professor & Academic Program Director, Loyola University Institute of Environmental Sustainability

Co-sponsored by the AgroEcosystems Management Program

Apr. 9

The Emerging Alliance of Religion and Ecology

Mary Evelyn Tucker
Senior Lecturer and Research Scholar, Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and the Divinity School, and Director of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology

Apr. 23

Avian Ecology in the Context of the Full Annual Cycle

Christopher Tonra
Assistant Professor, OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources









































Please note there will not be seminars on the following dates:

Jan. 29

Feb. 12

Feb. 26

Mar. 12

Mar. 29

Apr. 2

Apr. 16

Apr. 30