CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Autumn 2017 SENR Seminar Series



ENR 8980

Day:  Thursdays

Time:  4:10 - 5:30 p.m.

Location:  103 Kottman Hall 
Instructors: Dr. Gregory Hitzhusen and Dr. Ramiro Berardo

Previous SENR Seminars

Spring 2017

Autumn 2016

Spring 2016

Autumn 2015

Spring 2015

The SENR Seminar Series is held during the autumn and spring academic semesters. Speakers address a variety of topics that are relevant to the major environmental problems and natural resource management issues of our day. The seminar series reflects the multi-disciplinary nature of the School of Environment and Natural Resources in that a variety of experts contribute from fields as diverse as the humanities and social sciences, traditional resource management disciplines, and the biological and physical sciences.

 The program includes opportunities for interested parties to meet formally and informally with speakers before and after their presentations. 
The following dates are subject to change.
Aug 31

Freedom Farmers: Urban Agriculture and Rebuilding Detroit

Monica White
Assistant Professor of Environmental Justice
Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and the Department of Community and Environmental Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison


Sept 14

Theory + practice for real-world pro-environmental behavior change


Nicole Sintov
Assistant Professor of Behavior, Decision Making and Sustainability
Ohio State University's School of Environment and Natural Resources


Sept 28

Maji Marwa: bringing water to Marwa and managing the social, cultural, environmental and economic impacts


Joe Campbell
Lecturer and 2016-2017 U.S. Fulbright Scholar, School of Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio State University, and School of Social Sciences, University of Dodoma, Tanzania

Oct 26

Preventing coastal “dead zones” from a distance

Jennifer Tank
Galla Professor of Biological Sciences and Director of Environmental Change Initiative at University of Notre Dame

Nov 2

Hot Hot Peat! Managing boreal wildfires in an era of drought and warming

Mike Waddington
Professor of Ecohydrology in the School of Geography and Earth Sciences at McMaster University

Nov 16

Individuals, Networks and Institutions: what drives the successful management of social-ecological systems?

Jacopo A. Baggio 
Assistant Professor, Department of Environment and Society and Ecology Center
S.J. & Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources, Utah State University

Nov 30

Surface Water-Groundwater Exchange and Nitrogen Fate in Tidal Rivers

Audrey Sawyer
Assistant Professor 
Ohio State University School of Earth Sciences

Audrey's Areas of Expertise

  • Hydrogeology
  • Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions
  • Coastal Hydrology