CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


ESGP Seminar: Meeting Food Supply Needs with Aquaculture

Apr 19, 2013, 3:00pm - 4:00pm

The Environmental Science Graduate Program welcomes Dr. Konrad Dabrowski, School of Environment and Natural Resources, who will present Meeting Food Supply Needs with Aquaculture on Friday, Apr. 19, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. in 244 Kottman Hall. There will be a video link to 121 Fisher in Wooster. 

There will also be two PhD Exit presentations. Wei Hua will present Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation (SFG) Studies of Environmentally and Biologically Relevant Interfaces: Ions, Lipids and Interfacial Water Structure, and Ryan Hottle (Rattan Lal, advisor) will present Impact of Oak-Derived Biochar on Soil Quality and Plant Productivity on Maize-Soybean Rotation in the U.S. Midwest.