OEE Presents US EPA's Clean Power Plan Proposal
On June 2, the U.S. EPA proposed the Clean Power Plan to maintain an affordable, reliable energy system, while cutting pollution and protecting health and environment. OSU's Office of Energy and Environment welcomes Dr. Susan Hedman, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5 Administrator, who will present US EPA's Clean Power Plan Proposal. The presentation will be held in Scott Laboratory, rm. E100 (201 W. 19th Ave.). Dr. Hedman will discuss the plan and answer questions.
Speaker Information:
Dr. Susan Hedman was appointed by President Obama to be EPA Region 5 Administrator in 2010. She directs EPA’s operations in the six-state Great Lakes region. One of her most important roles is that of Great Lakes National Program Manager, in which she oversees restoration and protection of the largest freshwater system in the world. She leads a team of over 1,000 scientists, engineers, lawyers, environmental specialists and administrative staff in the Region 5 Office.
Before accepting the President’s appointment, Susan was environmental counsel and senior assistant attorney general in the Illinois Attorney General’s office, where she focused on litigation and legislation relating to environmental protection, energy efficiency, renewable energy, carbon capture technology and associated consumer issues.