Aug 15, 2013, 10:00am - 11:00am
OFWMA Webinar Series
The Ohio Fish and Wildlife Management Association, Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative and the Ohio Chapter of The Wildlife Society are proud to announce a partnership to provide a series of monthly online presentations called “Ohio Fish and Wildlife Presentation Series". The series will offer convenient year-round opportunities for OFWMA members to learn about current issues related to fish and wildlife management and research in Ohio without leaving their desks. Presentations will be 1 hour long with plenty of opportunities to ask questions.
The first presentation in the series is scheduled for August 15, 2013 at 10 am. Our speaker, Matt Shumar, Coordinator of the Second Ohio Breeding Bird Atlas, will be sharing results from the Atlas. Over 1,000 volunteers in Ohio contributed more than 1 million breeding bird observations from 2006-2011. Additionally, highly trained field staff conducted nearly 15,000 abundance surveys, resulting in a database of bird observations that allows for the most thorough review of breeding birds in Ohio to date. The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio will provide information and change analyses for more than 200 species, as well as detailed population estimates and spatially explicit densities for up to 100 species. These data and results will provide crucial information for biologists and land managers within the state. Combining citizen science with rigorous field protocols and technological advances allows for an unlimited array of possibilities for ecological sciences.
Register for the presentation today at Registration is free and no special software or downloads are required to view the presentations. A recording of the presentation will be available for those unable to attend.
If you would like to assist with planning future presentations, give a presentation, or suggest a speaker please contact Ken Duren by email or call 740-747-2525 ext. 24.