Water First for Thirst Youth (WFFT) Activity Day
You are invited to the first Water First for Thirst Youth (WFFT) Activity Day, May 9, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus. The event will educate youth on the importance of nutrition and how Ohio communities can encourage healthy living. The Activity Day will feature lessons on water and sugar-sweetened beverages, how environments impact health choices, and how teens can be healthy living leaders in their home communities.
The WFFT Youth Activity Day is intended for youth ages 11-18, all 4-H advisers, OSU Extension educators, teachers, coaches and/or parents interested in nutrition and healthy living.
There is no charge to attend, but Registration is required. Lunch will also be provided free of charge.
WFFT is made possible through the collaboration of Ohio State University Extension, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension 4-H and the Ohio State University’s College of Public Health. Cost of participation and lunch is covered through a generous grant from OSU CARES.
For details, visit: www.facebook.com/WaterFirstforThirst or register at http://bit.ly/1EGRrQJ