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School of Environment and Natural Resources


Forestry and Wildlife Conservation Camp

Teens turned off technology during the Ohio Forestry and Wildlife Camp, June 9-14. One hundred and thirteen campers from across Ohio (one from Pennsylvania, and even one from Arizona) participated in this years camp, held at FFA Camp Muskingum, on Leesville Lake in Carroll County.
SENR alum, Jeremy Scherf is a state service forester with ODNR and co-director of the Ohio Forestry and Wildlife Conservation Camp. He teamed up with SENR's Marne Titchenell, wildlife program specialist with OSU Extension, and Ryan Waid, an Ohio-based procurement forester with Glatfelter paper company, to lead this year’s camp. They crafted leaf identification tests, taught natural resource and wildlife sessions, and inspired youth to explore the great outdoors. The goal of the camp is to expose the high schoolers to the science, beauty and career opportunities within Ohio’s natural resources.
Read the whole story about this camp on Farm and at More news stories about the camp can be found on:
The Social Silo:
Shale Gas Reporter:
The video was produced by Farm and Dairy’s Tracey Wardle.