November 2021
Could Climate Change Make Food Less Nutritious? (Rattan Lal)
OSU Researchers Launch Autonomous Drones to Study Wildfires (Roger Williams)
National Science Foundation awards $1.4 million to multidisciplinary team to study drones and wildfires (Roger Williams)
Ohio Sea Grant Knauss Fellows Receive Placements for Their Year in Washington, D.C. (Jeffrey Kast)
Peat Bogs: Mother Nature's time capsule (Matt Davies)
U.S. FARM REPORT, College Roadshow at The Ohio State University (Shoshanah Inwood)
What Are Wild Coyotes Doing in the Big City? (Stan Gehrt)
NCR-SARE's 2021 Research and Education Grant Recipients (Matt Davies)
October 2021
Ohio State-Developed Crop Management System Improves Yields and Soil Quality for the West African Sahel (Richard Dick)
Farm Bureaus reap national awards for programming (Steve Lyons and Shoshanah Inwood)
People enjoy free pancakes and maple syrup at Ohio State University-Mansfield event (Kathy Smith and Gabe Karns)
Pipelines and Soil: How energy transport affects agriculture (Theresa Brehm and Steve Culman)
September 2021
Ohio State climate experts help farmers by studying extreme weather risks (Robyn Wilson)
Opinion: In defense of armyworms. They aren't exactly the scourges of lawns. (David J. Tomashefski)
July 2021
Extreme heat triggers mass die-offs and stress for wildlife in the West (Mažeika Sullivan)
Outdoors: Tiny ticks present outsized issues. Toledo Blade (Risa Pesapane)
Out and about? So are ticks. (Risa Pesapane)
Study findings co-authored by faculty member Kerry Ard and graduate students published in the journal Environmental Politics on role of donations and congressional voting is cited in HuffPost and Grist.
Food Sleuth Radio: Farmers' needs for health insurance and childcare. (Interview with faculty member Shoshanah Inwood)
Our Ohio Weekly: Ohio State studies the climate and agriculture (Interview with faculty member Robyn Wilson)
This Week in Sociological Perspective, audio (Interview segment with faculty member Kerry Ard)
June 2021
Salamanders have a secret to surviving climate change (William Peterman)
May 2021
Our Ohio Weekly: The Ohio Farm Poll (Interview with faculty members Doug Jackson-Smith and Shoshanah Inwood and President's Postdoctoral Scholar at Ohio State in SENR Andrea Rissing)
Tick season has arrived in central Ohio (Risa Pesapane)
Great Lakes region's climate keeps getting warmer, wetter, and wilder | The Blade ( (Robyn Wilson)
2021 Outreach and Engagement Funded Grant Proposals (Doug Jackson-Smith)
2021 CFAES Faculty Promotions and Tenure
Family farms are struggling with two hidden challenges (Shoshanah Inwood, Andrea Rissing and Florence Becot)
Soil scientist honored with renaming of carbon center (Rattan Lal)
Opinion: Bill aims to strip away water safeguards and hang Ohioans out to dry (Mažeika Sullivan)
The Elusive Deer-Proof Garden (Marne Titchenell)
CFAES Announces Winners of Its Spirit of the Land Grant Award (Ansley Watkins)
April 2021
2021 Senior Spotlight (Lizzie Wilson)
Into the Blue (CFAES alumnus Mark E. Monaco)
Saving streams can save bugs and birds (Mažeika Sullivan)
March 2021
A Tale of Two Migration Routes: How Prothonotary Warblers Make Their Way Home (Chris Tonra)
Unequal Exposure and Access: The Crisis of Environmental Injustice (Q&A with Kerry Ard)
PG&E is changing how your electricity bill works — here’s everything you need to know (Nicole Sintov)
Trash talk: How waste audits can empower kids to protect the planet (Nicole Sintov)
Health care and weather distressing farmers (Douglas Jackson-Smith and Shoshanah Inwood)
Environment a bridge between rural, urban Ohio (David Hanselmann)
February 2021
Improving water quality could help conserve insectivorous birds — study (Mažeika Sullivan)
It's maple syrup time at The Ohio State University-Mansfield campus (Gabe Karns)
Ohio State CFAES names its top 25 seniors
January 2021
Bible filled with agrarian themes (Greg Hitzhusen)
Posthumous Padma Vibhushan for Father of Fiber Optics Narinder Kapany; Economist Srikant Datar, Scientist Rattan Lal Among U.S. Winners of Padma Awards (Rattan Lal)
CFAES names 2020–2021 Distinguished Professors (Linda Lobao)
Community engaged learning: Blueprint Columbus and senior capstones (Matthew Hamilton)