Opportunity to Serve on ENRAS Executive Council
The ENRAS Executive Council is made up of 21 ENR Alumni with OSUAA Sustaining Membership. We currently have 7 remaining vacant positions. Starting in July 2023, the newly elected ENRAS Executive Council will vote to fill these positions with new executive council members that would serve a one-year term. You do not need to live in the greater Columbus area to be part of the ENRAS Executive Council. If you have interest in serving on the ENRAS Executive Council, please contact us at the ENR Alumni Society ENRAS@osu.edu
To all SENR Alumni and Students,
Every year, there are numerous events and special ceremonies that are hosted or involving ENRAS. The ENRAS invites everyone to follow our schedule and participate by getting involved. With so many events and activities that we are involved with, we can always use your help! Please consider the following questions:
- What makes the ENRAS special to you?
- Have you ever considered being a part of the Executive Board or a Specialized Committee?
- What has ENRAS done for you, or in what way can they help you with your specific career?
- Have you ever participated in one of our events before?
- How will an Alumni Society help fellow Alumni and current students?
I would like to get feedback on these five topics to enhance everyone’s Alumni experience at SENR.
We should all be proud of our School and the hard work it took to attain our goals as Graduates of The Ohio State University.
Go Bucks!
Neal Sargeant
President ENRAS