If you graduated with a degree in ENR you're a member of ENRAS!
As a member you will receive newsletters giving information on events, awards, where our fellow alumni are and what they're doing, as well as updates from SENR.
Changes to ENRAS Alumni Membership
Our parent organization, The Ohio State University Alumni Association (OSUAA), has established a new Advancement model that integrates Ohio State Alumni into the greater mission of the university. As part of this structure, the University Alumni Association has redefined its membership levels:
Membership Levels
Alumni - Individuals who have earned associate, bachelor, graduate, professional, or honorary degrees from Ohio State, as well as medical resident graduates of the university.
Sustaining Members - Alumni who renew their commitment to Ohio State each year by making tax-deductible gifts of $75 or more to the university program(s) of their choice.
ENRAS has now changed its membership levels and giving structure to reflect this new Advancement model. We anticipate a closer working relationship with the University Alumni Association and more collaboration with our sister Alumni Society for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.
If you graduated with a degree from SENR, you automatically become a member of ENRAS. However, with the new membership model, we encourage all of our SENR Alumni to become Sustaining Members of the OSUAA. When you become a sustaining member of the OSUAA, we hope you consider designating a portion of your annual giving towards funds that will directly benefit the students and programs of the School of Environment and Natural Resources. We have created a list of SENR Giving Programs on the SENRAS Alumni webpage to help better direct your gift towards SENR. Your gift to the university can be made as a tax deductible donation.
Please consider becoming a ENRAS Sustaining Member.