The Honorary 100 includes individuals who lent their support during the formative years of the School of Natural Resources. Many of these individuals expressed a desire to maintain a continuing supportive affiliation with SENR. The ENR Alumni Association, with the endorsement of the School, will continue the Honorary 100 as a non-dues paying affiliate of the Society, and will annually seek to enlarge it by recognizing outstanding Ohioans who have demonstrated an interest in the School of Environment and Natural Resources and its mission.
1. Purposes of the Honorary 100
- Support legislation and budgets related to SNR
- Provide a sounding board for SNR programs
- Assist in recruiting students
- Provide a contact and liaison with related public agencies
- Provide a statewide constituency
- Assist in fund raising
2. Criteria for Selecting Honorary 100 Candidates
- Must have displayed an interest in natural resources, especially the School of Environment and Natural Resources.
- Such an interest should be sincere, and have shown some continuing awareness.
- The person should have personal qualities that also make him/her a recognized individual.
- Selection may also include an individual who has done some. singularly special thing, like legislation, writing, organization program, etc.
- Individuals considered might be a legislator, industrialist, banker, teacher, lobbyist, associationist, researcher, etc.
- Candidates need not be OSU or SENR graduates.
Members of the Honorary 100
Mr. Kenneth E. Allen
Mr. Ora E. Anderson
Mr. D. Barry Apgear
Mr. Harry Armstrong
Mr. Dan Atzenhoeffer
Mr. John W. Aull
Mr. Dan Balser
Mr. John Barker
Mr. Karl E. Bednarik
Mr. Ralph J. Bernhagen
Dr. Jerry M. Bigham
Ms. Shirley Dunlap Bowser
Senator Eugene Branstool
Dr. Don Burton, DVM
Mr. Howard L. Calhoun
Mr. Charles E. Call
Mr. Alan Cannon
Mr. Wayne Channell
Mr. C. H. Chung
Dr. Mary Lynne Bowman-Cowen
Professor William E. Cowen, Jr,
Mr. L. Bennett Coy
Mr. Joseph C. Cross
Mr. Josue Cruz
Dr. Charles A. Dambach
Mr. Guy Denny
Mr. Mark Dilley
Dr. John F. Disinger
Mr. Steve Dodd
Dr. James M. Dowdy
Ms. Nancy Duffy
Mr. Joanne Dujnic
Dr. Richard Durrell
Mr. Herbert B. Eagon Jr.
Mr. Raymond E. Eichel
Mr. Charles B. English Mr. Robert Evans
Ms. Laura Fay Mr. Robert Findlay
Dr. Rosanne Fortner
Dr. Al Foulger
Mr. Maurice A. Fox
Mr. Samuel P. Frantz
Mr. Sherman L. Frost
Mr. Dan Galbreath
Dr. Gordon Gatherum
Mr. Ernest J. Gebhart
Mr. Ralph E. Giehls
Mr. Samuel F. Gingrich
Mr. James Glass
Dr. E.E. Good
Mr. Steve Goodwin
Mr. Norv Hall
Mr. Delmar Handley
Mr. David Hanselmann
Mr. James R. Hanson
Honorary David Hartley
Mrs. Jeanne Hawkins
Ms. Jane Haynes
Mr. Larry Heaton
Dr. Randall B. Heiligmann
Dr. Robert E. Henne
Mr. T. M. Higgins
Mr. William E. Hole Jr.
Mr. Don Hollenbeck
Justice Robert E. Holmes
Dr. Henry L. Hunker
Mr. Edward F. Hutchins
Ms. Barbara Hykes
Dr. William P. Irwin
Mr. James M. Jennings
Dr. Beryl K. Jones
Ms. Judy Kauffeld
Dr. Charles C. King Mr. Harold Kost
Ms. Lorraine Winters Krzyzewski
Mr. Michael B. Lafferty
Mr. Wayne Lashbrook
Mr. David Lore Mr. Benjamin G. Maiden
Mr. William G. Mattox
Mr. Gerald P. McCarthy Mrs. Ruth W. Melvin
Mr. Burton S. Middlebrooks
Dr. William J. Mitsch
Mr. Fred E. Morr
Mr. Richard E. Moseley Jr.
Dr. Gary W. Mullins
Dr. Earl Murphy
Dr. William Napier
Mr. Robert A. Nelson
Mr. Chuck Olson Mr. Robert R. Paton
Mr. Steven Pollick
Mr. William Price
Mr. Ralph E. Ramey, Jr.
Hon. Ralph Regula
Hon. James A. Rhoades Mr. Joseph Roberson Mr. George D. Robey Jr.
Mr. Walter C. Roman
Dr. Robert Roth
Mr. Donald Schregardus
Mr. Stephan Sedam Dr. Richard E. Shank |
Mr. Thomas W. Slemmer
Mrs. Ester Barnebey Slowter
Mr. Joseph J. Sommer
Mr. Andrew Spencer
Mr. Jim Stahl
Dr. Robert Stiefel
Professor Tom M. Stockdale
Dr. William C. Swank
Dr. Robert W. Teater
Dr. Paul R. Thomas Professor Robert D. Touse
Mr. Walter A. Tucker
Mr. Tom Tugend
Dr. Robert Vertrees Mrs. Vincent C. Ward
Dr. J. Robert Warmbrod
Mr. Neil M. Waterbury
Mrs. Neil M. Waterbury
Dr. Ken Wenner
Hon. William H. Wertz
Mr. Robert R. Will Jr.
Mr. Ned E. Williams
Mr. Walter W. Willis
Mr. Chris O. Yoder
Mr. Raymond C. Zehler |