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School of Environment and Natural Resources


SENR Career Engagement Certificate

Opt-in to pursue the
SENR Career Engagement Certificate

What is the Certificate and How is it Beneficial? SENR Career Engagement Certificate Checklist

The SENR Career Engagement Certificate was designed to guide students through taking advantage of the career development resources available to them at Ohio State. To earn the certificate, students must complete all tasks within a single semester and submit proof of completion through the SENR Career Engagement Certificate forum on Carmen. 


  • Challenge (and help!) yourself to take advantage of the resources that are here to support your career journey, such as career fairs, workshops, career advising, and networking events. 
  • Provide the structure you need to help you prioritize the of tasks and activities that can help with your job/ internship/ graduate school search. 
  • Tap into a community that is providing tips, reminders, and guidance related to career development. 
  • List the Career Engagement Certificate on your résumé to show you are actively engaging in career development.  
  • Opportunities to win prizes!

How to earn the SENR Career Engagement Certificate

1. Opt-in to pursue the Certificate by requesting access to the SENR Career Engagement Certificate forum on Carmen. 

2. Complete the tasks outlined on the Carmen forum within the given semester in which you are attempting to earn the certificate.

3. Submit proof of your completed tasks by the stated deadline. Task submission portals and deadlines can be found on the Carmen forum. 

4. You will be notified when your certificate application is approved and will be sent a digital copy, along with instructions for picking up a physical copy.


Questions about the Career Engagement Certificate? Contact Lucia Hadella, SENR Career Advisor: