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School of Environment and Natural Resources


Undergraduate Courses

If you have any questions about courses offered, please contact 614-292-2265.Ā 

Course Numbersort descending Title Unit(s) Semesters Offered
ENR 1100 Environment and Natural Resources Survey 1.0 AU23, SP24
ENR 1100H Environment and Natural Resources Survey - Honors Section 1.0 AU23
ENR 1150 ENR Scholars Seminar 1.0 AU23, SP24
ENR 1200 Exploring Sustainability: SUSTAINS LC Seminar 1.0 AU23
ENR 1500 Career Development and Success 1.0 SP24
ENR 2000 Natural Resources Data Analysis 3.0 SP24, SU24
ENR 2100 Introduction to Environmental Science 3.0 SP24, SU24
ENR 2101 Introduction to Environmental Science Laboratory 1.0 SP24, SU24
ENR 2155 Energy and Environment 3.0 SP24
ENR 2191 Part-time Professional Practice in Environment and Natural Resources 1.0 AU23, SP24, SU24
ENR 2300 Society and Natural Resources 3.0 SP24
ENR 2360 Ecology and Conservation of Birds 2.0 SU24
ENR 2367 Communicating Environmental and Natural Resources Information 3.0 SP24
ENR 2400 Citizenship Across the Rural-Urban Divide 3.0 SP24
ENR 2501 Introduction to Sustainability 4.0 SP24
ENR 3000 Soil Science 3.0 SP24, SU24
ENR 3001 Soil Science Laboratory 1.0 SP24, SU24
ENR 3100 Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture 3.0 AU23
ENR 3191 Conducting Your Internship in the School of Environment and Natural Resources 0.0 AU23, SP24, SU24
ENR 3200 Environmental and Natural Resources Policy 3.0 AU23, SP24, SU24
ENR 3280 Water Quality Management 2.0 SP24, SU24
ENR 3300 Introduction to Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife 3.0 SP24, SU24
ENR 3321 Biology and Identification of Woody Forest Plants 3.0 AU23
ENR 3322 Forest Ecosystems 3.0 AU23
ENR 3323 Forest Biometrics 3.0 SP24
ENR 3333 Silviculture 3.0 SP24
ENR 3335.01 Introduction to Wildland Fire Management 2.0 AU23
ENR 3335.02 Wildland Fire Management Laboratory 1.0 AU23
ENR 3400 Psychology of Environmental Problems 3.0 AU23
ENR 3470 Religion and Environmental Values in America 3.0 AU23, SP24
ENR 3500 Community, Environment and Development 3.0 SP24
ENR 3530 Women, Environment and Development 3.0 SP24
ENR 3600 Recreation Management on Public Lands 3.0 SP24
ENR 3612 Introduction to Environmental Education & Communications 3.0 AU23
ENR 3700 Introduction to Spatial Information for Environment and Natural Resources 3.0 SP24
ENR 3800 Principles and Tools of Ecosystem Restoration 2.0 SP24
ENR 3900 Sustainability Metrics 4.0 SP24
ENR 4191 Professional Practice in Environment and Natural Resources 2.0 AU23, SP24
ENR 4193 Individual Studies in Environment and Natural Resources 1.0 SP24, SU24
ENR 4260 Soil Resource Management 3.0
ENR 4285 Watershed Hydrology 3.0 SP24
ENR 4320 Sustainable Forest Products 3.0 SP24
ENR 4342 Freshwater Fisheries Management 3.0 SP24
ENR 4345 Methods in Aquatic Ecology 4.0
ENR 4360 Zoo Science and Management 2.0 SP24
ENR 4400 Law and Legal Process 3.0 SP24
ENR 4450 Climate Change Policy 3.0 AU24
ENR 4567 Assessing Sustainability: Project Experience 3.0 SP24
ENR 4610 Natural History of Ohio 3.0 SP24
ENR 4611 Environmental Interpretation and Visitor Services 3.0 SP24
ENR 4648 Environment and Natural Resources Law Enforcement 3.0 SP24
ENR 4800 Practical Skills for Terrestrial Ecosystem Restoration 2.0 AU24
ENR 4890H Honors Colloquium 1.0
ENR 4900.01 Environment and Natural Resources Management 3.0 AU23, SP24
ENR 4900.02 Environment and Natural Resources Management for Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife 3.0 SU24
ENR 4998 Undergraduate Research 1.0 SP24, SU24
ENR 4999 Research with Distinction 1.0 SP24, SU24
ENR 4999H Honors Research With Distinction 1.0 SP24, SU24
ENR 5194 Group Studies 1.0 SP24, SU24
ENR 5210 US Environmental Impact Assessment 3.0 AU23
ENR 5211 International Environmental Impact Assessment 3.0 SP24
ENR 5250.01 Wetland Ecology and Restoration 3.0
ENR 5250.02 Wetland Field Laboratory 1.0 AU23
ENR 5260 Soil Landscapes: Morphology, Genesis and Classification 3.0 SP24
ENR 5261 Environmental Soil Physics 3.0
ENR 5262 Environmental Soil Chemistry and Remediation 3.0 AU24
ENR 5263 Biology of Soil Ecosystems 3.0 SP24
ENR 5268 Soils and Climate Change 3.0 SP24
ENR 5270 Soil Fertility 3.0 AU24
ENR 5273 Environmental Fate and Impact of Contaminants in Soil and Water 3.0 SP24
ENR 5279 Urban Soils and Ecosystem Services: Assessment and Restoration 3.0 AU24
ENR 5280 Stream Ecology 4.0 SP24
ENR 5310 Ecological Engineering and Science 4.0 SP24
ENR 5320 Forest Management 3.0 SP24
ENR 5325 Forest and Public Lands Policy 3.0 SP25
ENR 5335 Ecology of Infectious Disease 3.0 SP24
ENR 5340 Forest Ecosystem Management 3.0 AU24
ENR 5350.01 Taxonomy and Behavior of Aquatic Invertebrates 3.0 SP24, SU24
ENR 5350.02 Taxonomy and Behavior of Fishes 3.0 AU23, SU24
ENR 5355 Aquaculture 3.0 SP25
ENR 5358 Applied Vertebrate Physiological Ecology 3.0 SP24
ENR 5360 Principles of Wildlife Ecology and Management 3.0 AU23
ENR 5362 Wildlife Ecology Methods 3.0 AU23, SP25
ENR 5364.01 Mammalian Wildlife Biology and Management 3.0 AU23
ENR 5364.02 Avian Wildlife Biology and Management 3.0 SP24
ENR 5370 Management of Wildlife Habitat 3.0 SP24
ENR 5374 Landscape Ecology for Natural Resource Management 3.0 AU24
ENR 5400 Interventions to Promote Pro-environmental Behavior 3.0 SP24
ENR 5451 Water Policy and Governance 3.0 SP24
ENR 5480 Local Peoples and International Conservation 3.0 SP24
ENR 5510 Interdisciplinary Team Science 3.0 AU24
ENR 5560 The Dynamics of Ecosystem Restoration 3.0 SP24
ENR 5600 Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems 3.0 SP24
ENR 5611 Great Lakes Education Workshop 2.0
ENR 5614 Marine and Aquatic Education 2.0
ENR 5640 Natural Resources Program Planning 3.0 AU23
ENR 5642 Environment and Natural Resources Administration 3.0
ENR 5649 Wildlife Conservation Policy 3.0
ENR 5690 Workshop in Environmental Education 2.0
ENR 5699 Current Topics in Environment and Engineering 1.0
ENR 5790.06 Iceland Education Abroad Seminar 1.0 SP24
ENR 5797.01 Study at a Foreign Institution: Australia 3.0 SU24
ENR 5797.03 Study at a Foreign Institution: New Zealand 3.0 SU24
ENR 5797.06 Study at a Foreign Institution: Iceland 3.0 SU24
RURLSOC 1500 Introduction to Rural Sociology 3.0 SP24, SU24
RURLSOC 3580 Social Groups in Developing Societies 3.0 AU23
RURLSOC 4500 Community Development in Practice 3.0 SP24
RURLSOC 5500 Diffusion of Innovations 3.0 AU23
RURLSOC 5530 Sociology of Agriculture and Food Systems 3.0 AU24
RURLSOC 5540 Population, Place and Environment 3.0 SP24
RURLSOC 5580 Social Impact Assessment 3.0 AU23, SP24