SENR is Here ...
Join SENR in celebration of Maggie Borders, who is a recipient of the 2023-2024 Graduate Associate Teaching Award presented by The Graduate School at The Ohio State University. The Graduate Associate Teaching Award is Ohio State’s highest recognition of the exceptional teaching provided by graduate students serving as Graduate Teaching Associates. Congratulations, Maggie!
There was excitement and awe in the sky this week with the eclipse. On eclipse day, SENR graduate students (Courtney Anderson, Ashlyn Halseth and Abby Thiemkey) teamed up with The Columbus Zoo to observe and record their observations of animal behavior. Read about some of the activity and observations in The Columbus Dispatch. Several local TV news stations were present and conducted interviews throughout the day. CFAES Wooster campus came together on April 8 for a Science Day, food, viewing and more! For those on Facebook, a timelapse of the eclipse on the CFAES Wooster Campus is available here.
The latest episode of Let's Talk Risk with Sandra Seno-Alday from the University of Sydney, features faculty member Robyn Wilson, joins the podcast to talk about the risks of developing a flexible and sensitive measure of risk perception. Listen to the episode here.
Faculty member Natasha Myhal has published a new book chapter "Indigenous Connections at Rocky Mountain National Park: Notes from a Collaboration in Progress” by Brooke Neely and Natasha Myhal in the edited volume National Parks, Native Sovereignty Experiments in Collaboration Edited by Christina Gish Hill, Matthew J. Hill, and Brooke Neely – University of Oklahoma Press.
Faculty member Roger Williams was interviewed by the Office of International Affairs for his role as academic director of the China Gateway and as a connector. Read the interview here.
Out and About in April / May
Faculty member Stephen Matthews will introduce the USDA Forest Service's Climate Change Atlas via the April 12 Ohio Woodland Stewards program webinar series. Register to learn more about this tool to help understand the impact of climate change on our trees >>
On April 16 faculty member Jim Ippolito will present, "What Makes Soil Healthy" at the Scioto Watershed Agronomics and Soil Health Field Day presented by The Nature Conservancy, Heritage Cooperative, Pheasants Forever, and The Ohio State University | Field Day program and registration details
The Friends of Stone Lab (FOSL) Spring Work Weekend at Stone Lab is scheduled for April 19, 2024. Bring your work gloves and help spruce up Stone Lab for the upcoming season at the annual Friends of Stone Lab (FOSL) Spring Work Weekend April 19-21, 2024. Participants are invited to arrive Friday night and stay until Sunday morning or simply come for the day on Saturday. There’s plenty of cleaning, organizing, carrying, painting, moving and digging to do! All the details, including registration available here
In celebration of Earth Day, SENR is partnering with the Society for Ecological Restoration on Saturday, April 20 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to plant trees on campus at the Fawcett Center! Light refreshments and planting gear will be provided. Sign up HERE.
Registration is open for the 2024 SENR Student Research Symposium on April 22, 2024! Register HERE for an exciting event with networking, posters, oral presentations and a closing keynote!
The Environmental Professionals Network, in collaboration with the Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens and native plant enthusiasts from across the state, proudly invite you to eat and drink from Ohio’s native plants on Earth Day (April 22). Discover through your senses, the edible flora of the Buckeye State. Full program details including talks by native plant and garden experts, interactive learning opportunities and much more available here.
Matt Shumar will present on April 24, "Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative: Development of a comprehensive bird conservation plan for the state of Ohio" at the Columbus Audubon Monthly Program. Details available here.
The Gardening for Conservation webinar series, brought to you by The Nature Conservancy and Ohio State University Extension kicks off on April 24. The full line-up of webinars is available here, including talks by Kathy Smith (July 24) and Marne Titchenell (August 28).
Several exhibits representing SENR will be on display at this year's We Grow Scientists! A COSI Community Event on May 3, including:
- Water Quality + Lake Erie Food Map
- Soil activities
- Macroinvertebrate samples + coloring
- Specimen ID for ticks, insects and small mammals
Learn more about this afternoon event full of hands-on learning, wagon tours, and activities to showcase the many STEM fields CFAES has to offer and will include a look at the Waterman facilities such as the newly constructed Controlled Environment Agriculture Research Complex (CEARC).
Faculty member Roger Williams has been invited by the Department of Forestry and Wood Technology at Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden, to present lectures to faculty and students on the subjects surrounding the use of fire in forest management and wildfire prevention. Based on lessons learned over the decades of fire use in the U.S., Sweden has recently been increasing the use of fire in managing the Scots pine, Norway spruce, and oak forests, both for regeneration and fire prevention. Dr. Williams will be presenting lectures the week of May 5 – 12, 2024.
Circling Back - ICYMI
The Annual Winter Meeting of the Association of Ohio Pedologists (AOP) was held on February 23rd, 2024 at Highbanks Metro Park. AOP is the professional soil science society of Ohio and brings together local, state, and Federal agencies, private practice consultants, academics, researchers, and students working in soil science and allied fields such as geology, earth sciences, engineering, public health, and crop sciences among others. Three of our SENR graduate students advised by Dr. Scott Demyan presented at the meeting; PhD candidate Thomas Doohan, "Carbon Dynamics over 70 Years: Soil Organic Carbon Stocks across the Sandusky River Basin", MS student Alec Ogg, "The influence of management and inherent soil properties on soil organic carbon", and MS student Jordan Pitt, "Electromagnetic Induction Techniques for Investigating Soil Functioning on Pipeline Rights-of-Way."
If you are interested in learning more or would like to become involved in the Association of Ohio Pedologists, please visit their webpage: