Textbook written by students forthcoming
At the end of May, faculty member Greg Hitzhusen will host a celebration with student authors of the forthcoming book, Emerging Emerging Perspectives on Religious and Environmental Values in America (EPREVA), a brand new, student-written textbook put together by students in Dr. Greg Hitzhusen’s course, Religion and Environmental Values in America (ENR 3470).
Originally written as term papers for the course, each chapter contains a different author’s unique exploration of an intersection between religion and environment. From personal reflections on finding spirituality in nature, to musings on art, history, and technology through religious and environmental lenses, this textbook captures a wide array of experiences and viewpoints. We hope you are able to connect with some of these “emerging perspectives” and walk away with a new appreciation for how religious and environmental values interact with the ever-changing landscape of our world today.
New scholarship fund established
Our newest scholarship fund came into existence a couple weeks ago through the generosity of Ray Leard, a 1974 Ohio State alum, and owner of The Compost Exchange, which seeks to divert organic food waste from local landfills. Ray established The Compost Exchange Sustainability Scholars Scholarship Fund. This scholarship fund will support students majoring in our Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability major.
New FactSheet available - Efficient Lawn Care Practices to Help Protect Ohio’s Waterways
If you have a lawn that you are maintaining, this is a must read. Information included is practical and adoptable for your own situation, and most importantly, it walks you through steps to help protect Ohio's waterways no matter how small or large. It is a great resource that can be shared with others to make a difference - cleaner water for all - excerpt about the new FactSheet from Buckeye Yard & Garden onLine post by Amy Stone.
Efficient Lawn Care Practices to Help Protect Ohio's Waterways can be found online at: https://ohioline.osu.edu/factsheet/hyg-5812
Authors include: Ashley Kulhanek, Educator, Ohio State University Extension; Eugene Braig, Program Director, Aquatic Ecosystems, School of Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio State University; and Zane Raudenbush, Turfgrass and Herbicide Specialist, Davey Tree.