Journal Articles
Kerry Ard, Jason Thomas, Clair Bullock, Toxic air pollution and cognitive decline: Untangling particulate matter, Health & Place,
Volume 89, 2024, 103330, ISSN 1353-8292,
Sandip Mondal, Tania Burgos-Hernandez, Timothy I. Ralston, Abasola C.M. Simon, Brian K. Slater, Terry L. Niblack, Horacio D. Lopez-Nicora, Urban greenspaces shape soil nematode community across soil depth gradients: Belowground life at The Ohio State University, Ecological Indicators, Volume 166, 2024, 112399, ISSN 1470-160X,
Javier M. Gonzalez, Warren A. Dick, Khandakar R. Islam, Dexter B. Watts, Norman R. Fausey, Dennis C. Flanagan, Marvin T. Batte, Tara T. VanToai, Randall C. Reeder, Vinayak S. Shedekar, Cover crops, crop rotation, and gypsum, as conservation practices, impact Mehlich-3 extractable plant nutrients and trace metals, International Soil and Water Conservation Research, Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 650-662, ISSN 2095-6339,
Lal, R. Artificial intelligence for assessing organic matter content and related soil properties. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation July 2024, 79 (4) 66A-73A; DOI:
Faculty member Manbir Rakkar is a co-author on a new Ohioline factsheet available on how soil health responds to gypsum application based on Ohio-based research trials.
The summer edition of The Ohio Woodlands, Water, and Wildlife Newsletter is available to read with articles on a new resource to assist in identifying Ohio Forest Pests, Creating Living Landscapes for Birds, Bees, and Other Beneficials and announces a new series for woodland owners eager to enhance their land management skills! The newsletter is published in part with funding from the Renewable Resource Extension Act (RREA).
Faculty member Robyn Wilson was a featured presenter for the August 6 Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) webinar, "Taking ACTION: Promoting Water Conservation Practices."