Hello SENR!
Several alumni interviews have been newly added to the SENR Alumni Career Spotlights page on our website. The Spotlights are a neat way to connect with our alumni, learn more about their career paths and gain professional development insights. We are so thankful for the time our alumni share with us.
A couple sneak peeks of advice shared:
“My advice for anyone interested in either field of work is to get hands-on experience. Whether an internship/seasonal job, etc; having in person, real life experience was most beneficial for me.”
“My summer seasons with the US Forest Service and as the Photo Editor with the Columbus Blue Jackets provided me endless knowledge and experience in both fields of work.” – Ben Jackson, Natural Resource Management ‘19
Team Photographer, Columbus Blue Jackets
“When you get into Natural Resources, Wildlife and related fields, people often think it’s all about animals and landscapes, but I recommend taking social science courses and learning how to interact with people because our work now is all about people. Yes, you still work on science, but you need to be able to take your science and explain it to others if you want others to work with you to get the issue addressed. You need interpersonal and public speaking skills, so don’t miss the opportunity to take courses that teach those skills in college.” – Gwen Kolb, Natural Resource Management ‘01
State Coordinator, New Mexico Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program
Check out the latest Alumni Spotlights added to the web collection: Micah Pace, Sherri Peterson, Marne Titchenell, Vanessa Perry, Gwen Kolb, Orrin Duvuvuei, Cheryl Johncox, Chris Yoder, Alexis Sakas, Vicki Muller, Ben Jackson, Mark Dilley
A special shout out to Career Services Student Assistant Regina Loayza, who is bringing us these new Spotlights. Regina works with Lucia Hadella, who leads our career services in the School.