SENR is Here ...
Faculty members Manbir Rakkar and Leonardo Deiss have been awarded funding from the Ohio Soybean Council for "Understanding crop response to P application."
Faculty members Manbir Rakkar, Leonardo Deiss and Jim Ippolito are part of a national team of over 100 soil scientists and agricultural professionals who have launched a new tool to pave the way for future advancements in crop nutrient management. Find out about the tool and collaboration >>
Creativity and other competencies were on display with a fashion show on April 20 at the Ohio Union. SENR undergraduates (EEDS and FFW majors) are featured in this Ohio State News article, "Ohio State academic year culminates with student fashion show" >>
The CFAES Discovery Story features faculty member Roger Williams, who is no stranger to conducting prescribed burns on campus and igniting opportunities for students to learn about the significant role of wildland fire suppression and the role of fire management for restoration. Read about the latest at Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory>>
Circling Back - ICYMI
Capstone posters are on display in the Kottman Lobby. Check them out! Spanning topics of urban arboretum revitalization to nature's classroom, stream quality and restoration and deer population surveys and management policy to sustainable cosmetic packaging, the client focused projects identified a number of recommendations and next steps.
Did you know many Capstone projects through the years have been catalogued in the digital archive of Knowledge Bank, The Ohio State University’s institutional repository, a service of The Ohio State University Libraries? And, you can also access them via this Sustainability Action Database.
Ohio State Maple had the opportunity showcase maple as a local food that supports local communities and the science behind maple production at the PAST Foundation‘s STEM of Spirits event as an Experience Partner on April 19. Read about the opportunity on the blog >>