CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Climate Change and Extreme Weather: Challenges to Resiliency and Sustainability

Mar 1, 2016, 1:45pm - 2:45pm
219 Ag Eng. Building, Columbus and FABE Conference Room, Wooster

The FABE Departmental Seminar welcomes Aaron Wilson, Research Associate, OSU Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center, who will present Climate Change and Extreme Weather: Challenges to Resiliency and Sustainability in 219 Ag. Eng. Bldg and the FABE conference room in Wooster. This seminar is open to everyone who wants to attend.

Extreme weather comes in many forms including excessive heatwaves, prolonged droughts, and historic flooding. While the scientific community continues to analyze the causal links between extreme weather and climate change, evidence suggests that certain extreme events have increased globally and in Ohio. This has major impacts on society including the disruption of agriculture, energy flow, infrastructure, security, health and respiratory wellness, many of which are likely to disproportionately impact highly-populated cities. This presentation introduces the basics of weather, climate, and extreme events, with discussion on the possible mechanisms that link the increase in weather extremes to a warming world. How have extreme events changed since the middle of the 20th century? A survey of recent extreme events across Ohio and the U.S. will be presented. A timeline of the Lake Erie algal bloom forecasts and observations from 2015 will be used as an example of how extreme weather can dramatically change the anticipated effects of related physical phenomena in Ohio. The goal of this talk is to provide important information to aid in the awareness of Ohio and U.S. extreme weather events necessary to build resiliency and sustainability within the context of our changing climate.

Dr. Aaron Wilson is a Research Associate in the Polar Meteorology Group at the Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center (BPCRC) of The Ohio State University. Inspired from a young age by the power of weather, he earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences from The Ohio State University. Professionally, he has committed nearly a decade to enhancing atmospheric models for use over polar environments and conducted polar climate investigations using models and observations. Aaron uses his expertise in weather and climate to assess changing conditions in Ohio as well, as he has studied weather in his home state nearly his entire life. Aaron also feels strongly in the influence of educational outreach on his community and has dedicated many hours to serving BPCRC through tours and activities for students of all ages. He routinely participates in educational visits to schools and community organizations and has given recent invited talks at facilities such as the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks, and Ohio Department of Public Safety. For more information on Aaron’s background and activities, visit