ENR 8897 Graduate Symposium
We welcome you to attend the ENR 8897 Graduate Symposium Tuesday, April 24, 2018 from 10 A.M.- Noon in Kottman Hall room 244.
Kevin Fisher- A New Strategy for the Eradication of Asian Carps
JordanReding- The Effects of Rock Climbing on Lichen and Bryophyte Species Abundance and Richness on Climbed Near-Vertical Rock Climbs at the Red River Gorge
Ian Adams- Relationships Between Causal Attributions and Self-Conscious
Emotions in Pro-Environmental Decision-Making
NoelyGonzalez-Maldonado- The Effect of Long-Term No-till and Crop Rotation in Soil Health and Crop Productivity
Lewis Lolya- Assessing Avian Responses to Habitat Management Along Pipeline Right-of-Ways
Don Radcliffe- Analyzing Breakdowns of Environmental Gradients in Oak Forests by Modelling Distributions of Mesophilic Tree Saplings in the Wayne National Forest
Sarah Francino- Pawpaw Variation Across Ohio
Nicole Hengst- Population-Habitat Relationships of Virginia Rails and Sorasin Impounded Marshes in the Western Basin of Lake Erie in Ohio
Lana Milbern- Foraging Behavior of Breeding Songbirds in Urban Columbus, Ohio
Luanne Hendricks- Bioavailability of AninomethylphosphoricAcid
Heather Curtis- Seasonal Fate of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in Deep Row Biosolids Trenching
Ken Poland- Predictors of Stakeholder Perception in Watershed Collaboratives