CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


ENR Wildlights Event

The Environment and Natural Resources Alumni Society (ENRAS) at The Ohio State University is excited to invite you to a family event at the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium for Wildlights. This holiday event will gather our ENR Alumni, faculty, staff, students, family, friends, stakeholders and supporters for a fun evening of animals and the sparkling holiday light display. This is a family event so please feel free to bring your children, spouses, close friends and significant others.

Discounted ticket prices are as follows:
General Admission $12
Children (3-9) $6 
Seniors (60+) $6 
Children under the age of 3 are free
 ***If you have a zoo membership you are welcome to use it for free admission.  We ask that you register through the Eventbrite link below so we know to expect you.
Parking is $10 per vehicle.  Parking is free if you have a Zoo membership.

We have also adopted two families in need this holiday season; you have the opportunity to donate at the time you purchase your tickets or you can bring a check or cash donation that we will collect when you pick up your tickets. 

Once you have confirmed that you are going, please take the time to invite your SENR alumni Facebook friends to spread the word. The more the merrier. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email us at

Season Greetings and Go Buckeyes!