Environmental Professionals Network Breakfast Event: Tourism for Tomorrow: Sustainable Solutions for Travel, Ecosystems, and Economy in Ohio and Beyond
Hotels, restaurants, airlines, state parks – these are just a few examples of the many services and commercial enterprises that make up the vast and multi-faceted network of the tourism industry. Interconnected with the hospitality industry (which serves both tourists and full-time residents,) the tourism industry works to fulfill the varied lodging, transportation, dining, and entertainment needs of guests, resulting in major economic benefits, as well as positive social and cultural outcomes1. In 2019, the United States tourism industry accounted for 2.9% of the gross domestic product (GDP) and sustained 9.5 million jobs across the country2. Ohio’s tourism industry alone supported roughly 436,000 direct and indirect jobs in 2023, with visitation numbers around 238 million3.
Along with these economic benefits, however, come concerns about sustainability. Environmental impacts such as increased car traffic and subsequent pollution, waste generation and natural resource degradation can accompany a rise in visitorship. Full-time residents can also feel economic impacts associated with rising housing, land, and transportation costs4.
This program aims to address some of these questions, while providing insights from leaders in the field on the exciting advancements being made to improve sustainability within the industry and how to increase incentives for doing so. We’ll hear from Ohio State Alumna, Amy Wald, Founder and President, Greenluxe, Inc., Claudia Vecchio, President and CEO, Sonoma County Tourism, Dr. Willy Legrand, Professor, IU International University of Applied Sciences, and Karen Raymore, Executive Director, Hocking Hills Tourism Association.
Join this EPN event to learn more about this emerging and exciting field of sustainability and travel, and its implications for hospitality specialists, tourists, environmental professionals, community, and business leaders in Ohio and beyond!
1 Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship, “The Best of the Web: Hospitality and Tourism Web Sites” (2008) link here.
2 International Trade Administration, “Travel and Tourism Industry” link here.
3 About TourismOhio (2023) link here.
4 National Library of Medicine, “Health outcomes of tourism development: A longitudinal study of the impact of tourism arrivals on residents’ health” (2020) link here.