CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Envisioning an Agricultural Renaissance

Jan 18, 2018 (All day)
Animal Sciences Building, Room AS0210

Global food systems are changing in dynamic and remarkable ways. The nexus between food, water, energy and the changing climate is forcing agriculturists to re-imagine how they will provide sustenance to a hungry world. As we begin to envision new ways of accomplishing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, a new age of agriculture is unfolding.

A.G. KAWAMURA is a third generation fruit and vegetable grower and shipper from Orange County. He is the former Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture (2003- 2010). He is co-chair of Solutions from the Land, a non-profit organization that is currently working to organize and convene the North American Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture.

Sponsored by InFACT: Initiative for Food & Agricultral Transformation