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School of Environment and Natural Resources


EPN Summer Field Trip Series - Tuesday, June 11, 2024: 99 years of science and learning on Ohio’s Gibraltar

This EPN Summer Field Trip event will feature a tour of Ohio State’s Island campus on Lake Erie. Part of the CFAES School of Environment and Natural Resources, Stone Laboratory offers a powerful combination of science education and research. Stone Lab and Ohio Sea Grant island staff will show first-hand the work being conducted on Lake Erie, along its shore, and within its watershed.

Located on the 6.5-acre Gibraltar Island in Put-in-Bay harbor, Stone Laboratory is Ohio State’s island campus on Lake Erie and the research, education, and outreach facility of the Ohio Sea Grant College Program. Ohio Sea Grant is supported by The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) School of Environment and Natural Resources, Ohio State University Extension, and NOAA Sea Grant, a network of 34 Sea Grant programs nationwide dedicated to the protection and sustainable use of marine and Great Lakes resources. 

Established in 1895, Stone Laboratory is the oldest freshwater biological field station in the United States. Join us for a tour of Gibraltar island and experience our passion for education and research as well as a close up look at Civil War financier Jay Cooke's Castle, Perry's Lookout, the island's glacial grooves, our unique colony of Lake Erie Water Snakes, and the Stone Laboratory classroom building. Other activities may include a science cruise aboard one of our research boats or a visit to South Bass Island Lighthouse whose light was first lit on July 10, 1897.