An Evening with Environmental Journalist, Todd Wilkinson — A Signature EPN Event
Spend an evening with author and investigative environmental Journalist, Todd Wilkinson, on issues of western land use, bison, wildlife and people and the differences native Ohioan Ted Turner has made as the second largest private landowner in the U.S. This event will be held in the Ohio Union U.S. Bank Theater. It is a free event but seating is limited. Please register at
Bozeman, Montana-based Todd Wilkinson has been an investigative environmental journalist and author for 30 years with assignments that have taken him around the world. He is best known for his knowledge and coverage of environmental issues. His stories have appeared in National Geographic, The Christian Science Monitor, High Country News, the Utne Reader, Orion, and all the top nature magazines. His presentation venues have ranged from the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco to Yale University, museums and college campuses. In 1998 Wilkinson authored the critically-acclaimed Science Under Siege: the Politicians' War on Nature and Truth. His latest book is Grizzlies of Pilgrim Creek, An Intimate Portrait of 399, the Most Famous Bear of Greater Yellowstone, with photographer Thomas Mangelsen.