CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Fire Regimes of Remnant Pine Communities in Pennsylvania

The North Atlantic Fire Science Exchange webinar presents Mike Stambaugh and Joe Marschall, of the Oak Woodlands and Forests Fire Consortium. Their topic will be Fire Regimes of Remnant Pine Communities in Pennsylvania.

Many fire-dependent ecosystems in the eastern US are converting to fire-intolerant vegetation communities due to fire-suppression practices implemented in the 20th century. Where available, fire-scarred trees offer valuable information on historical fire regimes which can provide a scientific foundation for natural community restoration activities. In this study, we discuss 300-400 years of fire frequency, severity, and seasonality based on data from 8 sites across the Appalachian Mountains of Pennsylvania. Fire regimes are reported in context of human settlement trends, climate records, and current management goals.

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