CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Food System Seminar- Building a Career in Food Systems Research and Practice

Jan 31, 2018, 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Columbus - Smith Lab 3150 ; Wooster – 206 Thorne Hall

Kate Clancy
Building a Career in Food Systems Research and Practice

The science, expertise, and collaborations among scientists involved with sustainable agriculture and sustainable food systems has evolved over the past few decades, along with changes and challenges in the U.S. food system.  Building an academic career in this arena offers both opportunity and challenges. This conversation will explore paths forward particularly for early career scholars like Discovery Theme hires, including social, cultural, and resource barriers, and how to maneuver through and around them.

Wed, Jan 31 - 2pm-3:30pm
Columbus - Smith Lab 3150
Wooster – 206 Thorne Hall

Kate Clancy is a food systems consultant, visiting scholar at the Center for a Livable Future Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, adjunct professor at Tufts University, and senior fellow in the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, University of Minnesota. She has published, taught, spoken and consulted widely on sustainable agriculture and food systems with government agencies, universities, and nonprofits around the country.