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School of Environment and Natural Resources


Graduate Exit Seminar - Abby Thiemkey

Plan to join Abby Thiemkey's graduate exit seminar on July 23, 2024, at 12:00 pm in Kottman Hall 333 or via Zoom. Abby will present, "Coyote (Canis latrans) Ecology and Management in Ohio."

Abstract: Since the early 1900s, coyote (Canis latrans) populations have expanded across North America, despite experiencing significant harvest pressure. Their expansion can be partially attributed to their generalist, omnivorous diet, and their ability to adapt to varying habitat types. Their ubiquitousness and status as a controversial carnivore have increased the need among wildlife professionals to understand how coyote populations respond to different environments and human pressure. There have been multiple studies in areas throughout North America investigating coyote population demography and diet, but there remains a knowledge gap in understanding how coyotes adapt and use the Ohio landscape, specifically how coyotes are adapting to various hunting pressure and the influence coyotes have on livestock production. This study aims to address the following objectives: 1) evaluate coyote demographics at county and regional scales throughout Ohio, 2) investigate variables that influence weight variation across the state, 3) describe reproductive trends of female coyotes in Ohio, 4) investigate isotopic differences among prey items that can provide insight into coyote diet across Ohio, and 5) assess demographic and landcover differences in livestock prey consumption. The results of this study will add to the growing literature of understanding the ecology of coyotes, as well as provide the Ohio Division of Wildlife information for future management and conservation decision making.

Advisor: Dr. Stanley Gehrt