CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Healthy Soil, Healthy Future

The Initiative for Food and Agricultural Transformation, part of the Discovery Themes at Ohio State, invite you to attend Healthy Soil, Healthy Future in 3150 Smith Lab.

M. Revathi is a school-teacher-turned-farmer activist based in India. For more than 15 years, Revathi and her organization INSPIRE have helped to reclaim saline lands destroyed by devastations like tsunamis and cyclones. In her talk, she will provide an overview of “Reviving Earth,” a new school of thought in the field of agriculture. She will also share her experiences on helping more than one million farmers transition from conventional farming to organic farming through sustainable methods like remineralization of the soil, polycropping systems, sustainable agro-ecosystems, and animal/tree-crop integration.

Co-sponsored by AID India, Columbus Chapter