Honors Thesis Proposal Presentations
Honors Thesis Presentations begin at 4:10 p.m. in 460 Kottman Hall. These presentations are a partial fulfillment of the requirements for ENR 4890H. Everyone is invited to hear these Honors students present their research proposals.
4:15pm: Mara Momenee, "Evaluating how experiential learning impacts long-term eating habits and healthy food perceptions."
Faculty Research Advisor: Dr. Jeremy Brooks
4:30pm: Aly Gordon, "Sustainability in prisons: How do community re-entry initiatives impact life beyond prison?"
Faculty Research Advisor: Dr. Jeremy Brooks
4:45pm: Dustin Kitchen, "Socio-economic status and the effects of temporal and locational limitations on accessing community garden programs."
Faculty Research Advisor: Dr. Kristi Lekies