Honors Thesis Proposal Presentations
Honors Thesis Proposal Presentations begin at 3:00 p.m. in 460 Kottman Hall. These presentations are a partial fulfillment of the requirements for ENR 4890H. Everyone is invited to hear these Honors students present their research proposals.
3:00 pm Dominique Provencher, Advisor: Dr. Jeremy Brooks (SENR)
The effect of rain gardens on walkability and social structures in residential neighborhoods.
3:15 pm Tal Shutkin, Advisor: Dr. Anna Willow (Anthropology)
Mixed Messages: Evaluating stakeholder consensus on the nature of collaborative planning as a conservation tool in British Columbia’s Muskwa Kechika Management Area.
3:30 pm Ian Newman, Advisor: Dr. Douglas Southgate (AEDE)
The Evaluation of Large-Scale Seismic Activity Resiliency and Macro-Infrastructure Projects in Ecuador.
3:45 pm Maria Fredericks, Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Jacquet (SENR)
Bomb Trains in Columbus: A Case of Oil Trains and Environmental Injustice.