Local, Humane, Sustainable, and Fair: How the Real Food Challenge Addresses Sustainability on College Campuses
The Initiative for Food and Agricultural Transformation, part of the Discovery Themes at Ohio State, invite you to attend Local, Humane, Sustainable, and Fair: How the Real Food Challenge Addresses Sustainability on College Campuses in 3150 Smith Lab.
The Real Food Challenge leverages the power of youth and universities to create a healthy, fair and green food system. The organization’s primary campaign is to shift $1 billion of existing university food budgets away from industrial farms and junk food and towards local/community-based, fair, ecologically-sound and humane food sources by 2020. Join students from Real Food OSU and Anim Steel, national Director of the Real Food Challenge, to talk about how campuses are being transformed across the country.
Co-sponsored by Real Food OSU