Sarah Francino's Graduate Exit Seminar
On Friday, June 14th, 2019 at 10AM in Kottman 333C, Sarah will present her graduate exit seminar, Variation in Pawpaw (Asimina Triloba) Varietal Productivity and Quality across a Biogeographic Gradient.
Pawpaws(Asimina trilobaL.) are a small native lowland tree and Ohio's state fruit. The fruit of the pawpaw tree is known for its tropical flavors to beer drinkers and foragers alike. In the past 20 years there a has been a push to build an industry for this specialty crop. My research has focused on how the biotic and abiotic factors of biogeographic gradients effects on yield and quality. Investigation of the interaction between site, cultivar, and ripeness of the fruit production and quality was examined. The data gathered and results found will push the pawpaw industry forward and inform new questions for scientific research.