CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


SENR Masters Research Proposal Lightning Presentations

Graduate students in the Environment and Natural Resources Graduate Program will present their research proposals. The presentations will be done using a 5-minute ‘lightning talk’ format, things will move quickly and be entertaining. Treats will be provided.

This is a great opportunity to learn about the diverse research projects our students are planning, and to ask questions and provide feedback.

Presenters and their research proposals:

Sara Adamczak, advisor Stan Gehrt
Population Demographics and Stable Isotope Evaluation of the North American River Otter in Ohio

Katherine Allen, advisor Alia Dietsch
Effects of Species and Population Status on Acceptability of Lethal Wildlife Management

Gretchen Anchor, advisor Stan Gehrt
Antipredator Behavior of White Tailed Deer in Response to Coyotes in an Urban Area

Tiffany Atkinson, advisor Suzanne Gray
Testing the Role of Turbidity and Diet on the Reproductive Traits of an African Cichlid Fish

Matthew Barnett, advisor Douglas Jackson-Smith
The Socioecology of Single Family Household Water Use: Social, Built, and Natural Determinates in a Multiscale Context

Liz Berg, advisor Lauren Pintor
Biodiversity-Ecosystem Function Framework: Short-term Trade-offs Following Restoration of Lake Erie Coastal Wetlands

Joseph Corra, advisor Mazeika Sullivan
Conservation of Aerial Insectivorous Birds

Steven Doyle, advisor Rattan Lal
Effects of Legume Cultivation on Soil Quality and Maize Yields of Smallholder Farms in Morogoro Region, Tanzania

Francesca Formica, advisor Ramiro Berardo
Participation in the 4R Nutrient Stewardship Certification Program

James Hansen, advisor Bob Gates
Population Ecology and Survey Methodology of the Virginia Rail and Sora in Northern Ohio

Federico Holm, advisor Ramiro Berardo
Network Evolution and Coalition Building in Multi-stage Environmental Policy Processes

Julie Slater, advisor Matt Davies
Plant Community Composition across Abiotic and Disturbance Gradients in Ohio’s Peat Bogs

Chloe Turner, advisor Rattan Lal
Chemical Property Dynamics in Glacial Till Across a Chronosequence: Breiðamerkurjökull glacier, Iceland

Ryan Vogel, advisor Charles Goebel
Social and Biophysical Drivers of Urban Forest Invasion

Sarah Walton, advisor Cathy Rakowski
“Americans First”: Anti-refugee Advocacy in Aberdeen, SD

Alyssa Zearly, advisor Nick Basta
Urban Soil Assessment, Reuse and Remediation