CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


SENR Seminar Series

Oct 27, 2016 (All day)

The SENR Seminar Series welcomes Mahbuba Nasreen, Director, University of Dhaka, Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies, and Mizanur Rahman, Director, Delta 2100 Plan, Bangladesh Water Development Board. The topic for this seminar will be Climate Adaptation: Women, Community Development, and Policy in Bangladesh. This seminar will be held in 103 Kottman Hall and available through

Climate change has become a global concern. International forums urge countries to take immediate collaborative actions to meet these challenges and their effects. Climate change increases the frequency and severity of disasters with adverse impacts on humans and natural ecosystems. Bangladesh is recognized by world communities as one of the most vulnerable countries susceptible to global warming, climate change and disasters.

The most alarming prediction about the impacts of climate change in Bangladesh is that more than 25 million people will become climate refugees and food insecure due to sea level rise in the coming decades. Human health is also at risk from the growing incidence of diseases linked to rising temperatures and rainfall variability. Climate induced disasters affect all people: children, women and men. The Government of Bangladesh and her people have been taking many initiatives and adaptive measures for reducing the adverse impacts of climate change. This seminar will highlight Dr. Mahbuba’s field work with women and climate adaptation in Bangladesh, and related policy recommendations.

This event is co-sponsored by the Mershon Center for International Security Studies, the Sustainable and Resilient Economy Initiative, the Institute for Population Research, the Environmental Policy Initiative, the Global Water Institute, and the School of Earth Sciences.