CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


SENR Seminar Series- Drs. Jacob Straub and Rachel Schultz 2/28/19

Feb 28, 2019, 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Two speakers will present on February 28th, 2019 in 164 Howlett Hall from 4:10PM-5:30PM:
Dr. Jacob Straub, Kennedy-Grohne Endowed Chair in Waterfowl And Wetlands Conservation, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point
Dr. Rachel Schultz, Associate Professor, State University of New York - Brockport

The title of their presentation is Healthy Wetlands, Healthy Bird Populations?: Evaluation of Wetland Restoration at the Landscape Scale


To reverse wetland loss and to regain essential habitat for wetland specialists such as waterfowl and secretive marsh birds, conservation partners collaborate to implement landscape-level restoration projects such as the 226,170-hectare Glacial Habitat Restoration Area (GHRA) in southeastern Wisconsin. However, biological objectives of these projects were not specified beyond the total area restored or enhanced. We quantified wetland-dependent bird response as well as factors indicating wetland condition, such as floristic quality, water quality, hydrology, interspersion of habitat types, and macroinvertebrate communities on 38 properties (2,364 hectares) representing a spectrum of conservation delivery programs.   Our results can be used as a baseline for monitoring and to predict where future wetland restorations  and enhancements are likely to have the most success.  

Click here to listen to their recorded presentation.