From Summits to Sustainability -- Reaching for High Places, Personally and Professionally
The OSU Environmental Professionals Network is pleased to announce its fifth signature event at 7 PM, April 12, 2017 in the Ohio Union Archie M. Griffin Grand Ballroom. From Summits to Sustainability -- Reaching for High Places, Personally and Professionally features Vikram Sahney, Vice President of Sustainability at REI (Recreational Equipment, Inc.). With over 6 million members, REI is the largest consumer co-op in the U.S. REI has aggressive, multi-faceted sustainability and stewardship programs, from sustainably made outdoor clothes and gear to improving access of a wide range of people to the outdoors. The REI mantra is: "An Outdoor Life Is A Life Well-Lived!" REI even closes its stores and online ordering on Black Friday to encourage people to spend the day outdoors instead.
Vik Sahney leads all of these sustainability programs. He is also involved in many Pacific Northwest and other conservation and recreation organizations. Just 38, he has also climbed the highest peak on all seven continents. A Michigan native, he holds five engineering and management degrees from the University of Michigan and MIT. Prior to joining REI, at McKinsey and Company's Seattle office, he specialized in supporting operations, strategy development, and sustainability for a range of industrial clients worldwide. Previously he was at Boeing and Ford Motor Company.
Sahney's OSU presentation will share how it is possible to follow one's personal passions to also successfully pursue lofty professional goals, and details on REI's sustainability initiatives.The event web registration page has links to REI's 40-page 2015 Stewardship Report, and to other REI sustainability programs. The event is free and open to all but registration is required. Please feel free to spread the word on what will be an informative and exhilerating event. Co-sponsors are OSU's Office of Energy and Environment and the Sustainable and Resilient Economy Discovery Theme.