CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Sustainable Management of Chernozems -- Soils of Moldova

Feb 10, 2016, 1:00pm - 2:00pm
333 Kottman Hall

The Carbon Management and Sequestration Center welcomes Dr. Boris Boincean, author of “The Black Earth: Ecological Principles for Sustainable Agriculture on Chernozem Soils,” who will be presenting on the sustainable management of Chernozem soils. Since 1985, Prof. Boincean has been a researcher at the Research Institute of Field Crops “Selectia,” where he conducts long-term field experiments with crop rotations, monoculture, soil fertilization, irrigation and tillage. Since 2003, he has been the chair of Natural Sciences and Agroecology at the Alecu Russo State University in Balti (Republic of Moldova). His research interests include sustainable resource management and organic agriculture. He has published more than 270 research papers. This seminar will be held in 333 Kottman Hall.