CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Synergies and Innovations in Coordinating Research on the Community Impacts of Renewable Energy

Dec 15, 2016 (All day)

Community Impacts of Renewable Energy is the second webinar in the webinar series and will highlight emerging social science research on renewable energy from the disciplines of Sociology, Economics, and Geography, as well as provide a forum to discuss opportunities for collaboration and synthesis in renewables research across these disciplines. Panelists will provide an overview of their work on renewable energies including solar, on-and-offshore wind, and biofuels energy development, discuss their individual and disciplinary approaches to renewable energy research, and engage in Q & A from the audience. Recordings of this and previous webinars in the series will be available at


Panelists are:

  • Claire Haggett, Ph.D., Sociologist, The University of Edinburgh
  • Ben Hoen, M.S., Economist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Dustin Mulvaney, Ph.D., Geographer, San Jose State University

To join the webinar, go to on the day of the webinar. “Enter as a Guest” will already be chosen by default, so just type your name into the text box provided, select “Enter Room,” and you’ll be admitted to the webinar. There is no registration requirement or fee to attend, so we hope you’ll join us.