CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Tree Diagnostics

Aug 4, 2017, 9:00am - 3:00pm
Friday, July 28, 2017
OSU Mansfield, 1760 University Drive, 100 Ovalwood Hall, Mansfield, OH 44906

One of the challenges for those working with trees is trying to answer questions like 'What is wrong with my tree?'.  There are some steps that we all should go through when trying to diagnose the problem and this workshop will work through those steps.  The day is spent both inside and out looking at samples that have been brought in and walking through the trees on campus to see what can be identified.


9:00 am Introduction to Tree Diagnostics – Erik Draper

  • 20+ questions to ask yourself
  • Control options & management (chemical, cultural, classic and crazy)

9:45 am Pests & Diseases: Are these on your radar? – Kathy Smith

Split the group into two 

10:15 Hands on diagnostics in the field                          Hands on diagnostics with samples

11:15 Hands on diagnostics with samples                       Hands on diagnostics in the field

12:00 Lunch

12:45 Keys and clues to what is going on with the plant 

2:45 What resources are available to help? 

3:00 Wrap up and evaluations

ISA, SAF credits have been applied for.  Pesticide credits for 6A and 4A are also available.