CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Wetlands, Water Quality, and Carbon: How Wetlands can Save the Planet.

Jun 10, 2017 (All day)
$10 / $5 for OHC & CBA members
980 Woodburn Rd., Urbana, Ohio

Cedar Bog Nature Preserve welcomes William Mitsch, as part of our Second Saturday programs. Dr. Mitsch, Eminent Scholar and Director of the Florida Everglades Wetland Research Park will talk about “Wetlands, Water Quality, and Carbon:  How Wetlands Can Save the Planet”.

Dr. Mitsch is an ecosystem ecologist and ecological engineer who received the 2004 Stockholm Water Prize as a result of a career in wetland ecology and restoration, ecological engineering and ecological modeling.

Presented annually since 1991, the Stockholm Water Prize is a prestigious award that recognizes outstanding achievements in water related activities and recipients have come from across the world and represented a wide range of professions, disciplines and activities in the field of water.

Dr.Mitsch was the founder and editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Ecological Engineering, created the Olentangy River Wetland Research Park, and has contributed toward the development of the field of wetland ecology, particularly as first author of five editions of the standard textbook Wetlands, a book that continues to be used around the world to teach wetland ecology.  Dr.Mitsch’s research has emphasized wetlands for nutrient removal and focused on the importance of natural and restored/created wetlands in climate change.