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School of Environment and Natural Resources


The Wildlife Society Leadership Institute Application

Requirements for Leadership Institute Participants:

• Must be a member in good standing with The Wildlife Society and a chapter or section of TWS INSTRUCTIONS: GENERAL INFORMATION FIRST NAME: MIDDLE: LAST: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL:

• Submit the following application materials in one PDF to

• Completed Leadership Institute application form

• Cover letter with evidence of leadership capacity or potential, such as previous leadership in TWS organization units or in other organizations

• Resume including a list of publications, awards, etc.

• Academic transcript(s)

• An essay (1000 word limit), which succinctly summarizes 1) your concept of leadership, 2) your aspiration for your engagement with TWS and the wildlife profession in 5 to 10 years, and 3) why you are an ideal candidate for the Leadership Institute

• Have two letters of recommendation sent from supervisors, academic advisors, professors, or others with whom you have worked and who are familiar with your previous and potential leadership, history and commitment to TWS, and commitment to wildlife management and conservation. Letters should be sent directly to with the subject line "Leadership Institute Recommendation for [applicant last name]".