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School of Environment and Natural Resources


Northeast Ohio Ag Innovation Center (NEO-AIC)

Farmer’s “one stop shop” for value-added agriculture business support

Have a great idea or product? Not sure where to start or expand??

The Northeast Ohio Agriculture Innovation Center (NEO-AIC) is a one stop shop for all your value-added agriculture business development needs. 

Our team has extensive knowledge of what it takes to start or grow your business.  

By receiving help from the NEO-AIC team, farmers can save time and money and set themselves up for success!

Our services include: 
•    Business development services including feasibility studies and business plans
•    Financial advisory services related to the development, expansion, or operation of a business
•    Assistance in navigating legal and regulatory requirements
•    Connections to distribution systems, processing facilities, or commercial kitchens 

What is “Value Added”? 
“Adding value” is changing the physical state, how a product is produced, or marketed that expands the customer base or increases the amount of revenue derived from the product. 

Examples are:
•    Milling wheat into flour or making strawberries into jam (physical change)
•    Growing and marketing organic produce (change in production method)
•    “Locally grown” or “Ohio Proud” labeling (marketing)

Supporting Northeast Ohio Farms
The goal of the NEO-AIC is to support the food, fiber, or fuel farms in Northeast Ohio by working to find new outlets for the products they grow. 

Our team takes a holistic approach by inviting clients to include their individual, family, and employee needs in the business planning process. When a business venture fits into the owner’s lifestyle and goals, they are more likely to achieve economic profitability, improve their quality of life and achieve long-term success.

By removing barriers to entry for farmers to get new businesses off the ground, or expand their existing operations, we can increase farm economic viability and strengthen Ohio’s rural communities.

Teamwork makes the dream work!

The strength of the NEO-AIC is rooted in personal relationships.

Our team-based approach ensures Northeast Ohio farms have access to a wide range of knowledge, resources, infrastructure, and services at The Ohio State University and throughout the region. 

Thanks to support from USDA Rural Development, The Ohio State University Extension, and The Ohio State University College of Food Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, our services are free of charge to Northeast Ohio farms.


Contact for more information: Jessica Eikleberry, Project Manager at


•    The Northeast Ohio Agriculture Innovation Center funded by a grant from USDA Rural Development.
•    CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit

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