CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Our Services

Our Team meets each Client where they are - whether it is still in the dreaming phase, ready to take the next step, or stuck somewhere along the way.  Our services provided are free of charge to Northeast Ohio farms  developing or expanding their production of value-added food, fiber, or fuel products.

  • Technical Assistance: Our Team includes experts from the Farm Office lawyers and food safety experts who can help answer legal and regulatory questions and make connections to local service providers.
  • Value chain coordination:  We know the Northeastern Ohio food and agricultural landscape and can help find markets and distribution outlets for your value-added products.  Additionally, we are always on the lookout for new customer demands that can be filled by local farms.  
  • Business Development Support: If you're just getting started, or need to re-think your strategy, we can dive deep with you. Our Business Planning Specialist will guide you through the process, help navigate legal and regulatory requirements, examine financing options, and connect you to resources to help make the best decisions possible.  All the while we’ll help you keep focus on the big picture - how the business fits into your life and goals.  

Let us know how we can help…

Please note: Additional charges for trainings, licenses, products, and services provided by other agencies may apply.  The Client is responsible for negotiating those costs directly with each provider as they arise.  The AIC Team provides support and resources, but all decisions are ultimately the responsibility of the Client.