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School of Environment and Natural Resources


Wildlife & Wildlife Education


The Wildlife Extension Program at The Ohio State University offers researched-based information on managing land for wildlife. Through courses offered with Ohio Woodland Stewards, conferences, workshops, and publications, landowners learn about different management tools that can help them achieve their wildlife management goals.

Wildlife Management Education Opportunities

Wildlife Habitat Management
There are many different species of wildlife, each having unique habitat requirements. Managing them can be a challenge and depends on a variety of circumstances, such as the quality of existing habitat, the size of your property, landscape features, and species distribution. We offer programs and information on the management of many different habitats to help you with this challenge.

Urban Habitats

  • Backyard Enhancement for Wildlife
  • Butterfly Gardens
  • Native Landscaping for Birds, Bees, Butterflies and other Wildlife

Forested Habitats

  • Wildlife Response to Forest Management Practices
  • Woodland Wildlife Enhancement
  • Game and Non-game Species Management

Farmland Habitats

  • Enhancing Wildlife Habitat on Farmlands
  • Shelterbelts for Wildlife

Open Land Habitat

  • Wildlife Use of Prairie

Wildlife Damage Management
Conflicts often occur with unwanted wildlife species. Perhaps something is eating your lilies, taking advantage of the succulent corn you are growing, or using your newly planted tree as an antler rubbing station. We offer a variety of programs and information on managing wildlife conflicts in both urban and rural habitats.

  • Protecting Tree Planting from Deer
  • Minimizing Crop Damage from Wildlife
  • Backyard Wildlife Damage Management
  • Living With Uninvited House Guests

For a list of wildlife related classes or for a listing of wildlife related fact sheets and bulletins, please visit the Ohio Woodland Stewards website.

To learn more contact:

Stan Gehrt
Associate Professor and Wildlife Extension Specialist
School of Environment and Natural Resources
The Ohio State University
375B Kottman Hall
2021 Coffey Rd.
Columbus, OH 43210
(O) 614/292-1930
(F) 614/292-7432

Marne Titchenell
Wildlife and Wildlife Education Program Specialist
School of Environment and Natural Resources
The Ohio State University
379C Kottman Hall
2021 Coffey Rd.
Columbus, OH 43210
(O) 614/292-0402
(F) 614/292-7432